Feeling Better

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Judai felt... antsy, more than anything else by the time they got back to the apartment. It was almost ten in the evening at that point, and they'd eaten before they left, so all they needed to do was unpack and unwind; maybe eat some dessert if they felt like it, which Judai was kind-of starting to feel on the way back.

It was overshadowed by his instincts flaring again, though - it may have been appeased somewhat thanks to their success and the reassurance that the reactor would be clean by the end of the month, but he was still very alert. He could tell just how on-edge he was by the way he latched on to Yusei on the way home, not bothering to tease him like he usually would do and instead just reveling in the warmth and closeness.

"Judai, we're back," Yusei said softly, turning in his grip as much as he could to look at him, "You okay?"

"Let's just get the stuff in fast," Judai stated, taking a deep breath and tightening the hug one last time before prying himself off of him, "...I will be though, don't worry."

Yusei hummed, sending him a smile that helped him calm down a bit as he unlocked the storage compartment and hauled all the bags out, handing a couple to the other before slamming the door shut again and re-locking it. He wasted no time getting to the apartment, dropping the bags carefully onto the desk table and patiently waiting for Yusei to free himself of bags as well before latching onto him once again.

"I love you," Judai murmured, instantly feeling a little better from the contact. He buried his head into Yusei's shoulder, leaning it towards his chest more and letting the rise and fall of it soothe him.

"Love you too," Yusei chuckled, returning the hug and asking, "You hungry at all? We have ice cream."

"Are you?"

"A little."

"Then we're getting ice cream," Judai decided, more focused at the moment on Yusei's feelings and wants than his own. Well, more than usual at least - he usually was pretty good at balancing it, but with his head being a little fuzzy and his mind wired to be over-protective right now, he didn't give a shit about what he himself wanted beyond 'Yusei is safe and happy.'

"Come on, hold onto my arm for a bit, okay?" Yusei said, nudging his arms around his waist slightly, "I can't really walk like this, and eventually I'm going to need two hands free."

"Fine," Judai huffed, not even trying to fight against the suggestion despite wanting to do nothing but drag him down and cuddle him.

Luckily it didn't take too long for him to find the ice cream in the freezer or get out the bowls. Plus, Judai just switched to only hugging his waist when he ended up finally needing two arms to scoop the ice cream out of its container, so he wasn't too affected overall.

In fact, he ended up really liking hugging him from behind like this and wondered why he didn't do it more, so he made a mental note to take more chances to do it, even if it only ended up lasting two seconds before they were facing each other once again. It let him rest his head on his back like a pillow because he was shorter, which felt pretty nice and relaxing to do.

Yusei ended up making the executive decision to just eat upstairs in their room, tripping a little going up the stairs thanks to Judai being wrapped around him so but ultimately managing it just fine.

"Give me the bowls for a second," Judai stated, taking the dessert when given it and putting it on the closest side desk before pulling Yusei down onto the bed. He turned Yusei so he was in his lap, curled up to his chest but still sitting up with his legs hung over his own. Once he was satisfied with the position, he pulled Yusei into a slow kiss, keeping one hand on his face while the other was wrapped behind his back and lightly ran fingers through his hair. He made sure it stayed soft and sweet, doing his best to let his actions prove how much he loved him.

He didn't say anything when he pulled back eventually, brushing some more of Yusei's hair to side before reaching back over and grabbing the ice cream. He happily ate his, content with having Yusei so close and curled up in a way that let him hover over him, and he managed to finally give Yusei an honest, relaxed grin when they caught each other's eyes.

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