Rainy Class Days

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Ah... It's finally raining again, Yusei noted one morning, the first one to wake up as usual; he definitely wasn't going to get out from under the covers now that he could hear the pitter-patter of the rain outside, mainly because they'd left the window open all night and it was letting in the crisp, but very cold air. In fact, he shifted a little to huddle closer to Judai to soak up more of his warmth just out of principle.

Unfortunately for him it was a school day and he had classes that started in the late morning, so he wouldn't be able to spend the day with Judai like all the other times it'd rained so far. He was sure Judai would end up insisting he bring this and that and all these other things that he would've probably forgotten about otherwise, so he'd be just fine getting through the day, but he still wished that he could just have that lazy rainy day he'd gotten used to having.

He managed to doze off for another fifteen minutes or so before Judai started to shift around, which was his queue to actually attempt to wake up - if he didn't, then Judai would probably be able to pull him back to sleep without realizing that he needed to get up for classes since he could be very slow waking up sometimes, then he'd end up being late.

The things he gave up for the sake of saving up money and keeping his job... Yusei was thankful for his impulse control though because he needed to be successful, even if half the time all he wanted to do was ditch his work and focus on other things. Besides, he was very good at keeping in mind that Judai would be right there when he got back and it usually ended up being his motivation to get through the more boring classes.

Yusei steeled himself before doing the exact opposite of what he wanted and shifting the covers just off enough to expose their shoulders to the cold air, then waited for when Judai inevitably started to wake up because of it - he'd learned that Judai was actually very perceptive to temperature change, even more-so than him, so it wouldn't take very long for it to happen.

Sure enough, a minute later Judai shifted again, though this time it was paired with a grumble as he adjusted his grip on Yusei, "It's cold..."

"It's raining," Yusei replied, wincing a little at how rough his voice was from sleep and clearing his throat before continuing, "Good morning, by the way."

"G'morning... it's raining?" Judai mumbled, slowly growing aware of his surroundings and yawning, "Oh, I guess it is... can we just sleep in, it's cold."

"I have class, I can't. You can though if you want to," Yusei said, smiling fondly at the way Judai immediately reached up to try and rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"No, I gotta-" Judai started, letting out a large yawn in the middle of his sentence, "-gotta help you out, see you off. I can go back to sleep after if I really want."

"M'kay, that'll work. Thanks," Yusei stated, giving him a quick kiss in thanks and pulling a tired, but genuine and happy smile out of the other.

Both of them shivered as Yusei proceeded to throw the covers off, preferring to just get it over with now that they both were pretty much awake, scrambling out of bed to do their morning routine as quickly as possible so they could start to warm up faster.

"Yusei, I think it's time to blast the shower hot enough that it makes our skin red," Judai muttered to him as he started brushing his teeth, walking over to the shower to turn it on and start warming up the water after Yusei nodded fiercely in agreement.

"Look at it this way, at least it really means the weather is cool again," Yusei said a minute later, haphazardly tossing his toothbrush back in its place and putting a hand under the water to feel the temperature - it was slowly warming up, but it'd still be another couple minutes before it warmed up completely. That was the main problem with their shower - it took forever to heat up, but once that initial phase was over it took no time at all to switch it between hot and cold water; Yusei couldn't even go into the plumbing to try and fix it because the apartment owner didn't allow people to fix their own plumbing. Granted, Yusei knew the story behind that particular rule and could understand the hesitation to ever let someone touch the plumbing again (some idiot had flooded the third floor so bad that it leaked down to the second floor and left a ton of water damage), but it was still annoying when it was cold and all he wanted was a warm shower.

"Wouldn't be surprised if it snowed again in the next couple weeks," Judai added, testing the water as well with a sigh, "Damn it... tell the water to warm up faster, Yusei."

Yusei snorted, giving him a dry look in response, "Trust me, if I could I would've done it ages ago."

"Let's just get our clothes all ready for after then so we don't have to stand in the cold for too long," Judai said, gesturing for him to get out of the bathroom since he was the closest to the doorway, "Shoo, hurry Yus!"

"Sheesh, someone's demanding this morning," Yusei teased, complying and going out to grab all his clothes for the day.

While he did that, Judai checked his phone quickly for any notifications, which apparently weren't great judging by the frown Yusei caught as he looked up from his drawers, "There's a chance of lightning today... it's low but still, if it does happen are you gonna be okay?"

Yusei sighed, not liking the news at all but not too surprised by it either, "I've dealt with it before, I'll be fine. Honestly, if it happens during class then I'll probably be too distracted to really notice it, and it's all indoors so it's even better."

"That's true, but still... here, how about this?" Judai said, rummaging through one of the bed-side drawers for a moment before pulling out something and a pair of earbuds, "I kept it out and haven't really used it, but it's an old MP3 player of mine. I'm not entirely sure what kind of music is on it to be honest, since I mainly kept it for sentimental reasons, but you can just plug it into your laptop and put whatever you want on it. If it does start thundering, then you can plug in the earbuds and just listen to music during any breaks you have instead."

Yusei had never really sat down and explored the world of music before, so it'd be a lot of listening to see what he even liked, but he was still touched by the action and took the little device (which honestly was ancient by this point, though he took that as a good thing because usually those types of things could last for ages and still work good as new) with a smile, "I'll be sure to try it out. Thanks, dear."

"Not a problem, I just want you to be okay," Judai smiled back, leaning up to kiss him lightly after he'd grabbed a bundle of his own clothes, "Now come on, it's cold and the shower is calling me."

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