Street Food

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After a bit of debate, they decided to start off in the direction of the outer loop of the city, though the second they saw something interesting they were to point it out and set them off to getting as lost as possible. That thing ended up not being a specific store, but rather an unnamed plaza filled with random vendors selling random things. On one of the booths towards the edge of the plaza, Judai found a phone case that caught his eye, mainly because it was a light red and opened up to let a photo get put in a small section of it, so they bought that before wandering off again in a random direction down the street they'd found themselves in front of.

This, of course, led to a few more stops - a clothing store filled with costumes more than anything, which they couldn't exactly try but the props around the aisles were free game, alongside a shop filled with old duel monsters merchandise. At that particular shop they were pretty surprised that it wasn't too expensive for the things, but they were all too happy to take advantage of it to pick out a few old-school card binders and cases that had things like Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl on them.

Hey, one could never have too many card holders and Judai was still in sore need of more for all the booster pack cards he'd opened from the arcade a couple months ago. He'd kept forgetting to get more, so this worked out well and those poor cards would finally get some proper storage.

Yusei hummed to himself as they walked down... whatever street they were at this point, the stuff they'd bought packed into one of his larger backpacks that they'd had the foresight to bring with them, "Those old Kuriboh plush toys made me wonder if I should commission a little version of Junkurbioh."

"Oh, you're right! That's a good idea, the little guy's one of the ones that gave you his card so he's not going to have any merch... We can put 'im right next to Winged Kuriboh on the couch, how's that sound?" Judai realized, grinning at the idea, "We gotta have our signature Kuriboh's right next to each other, it's only right." He felt his stomach growl a little at that moment, and he continued with a short chuckled, "For now though, let's find something to eat."

"It is lunch time now, isn't it?" Yusei mused, checking the time on his phone for a moment before looking around them with curious eyes, something that Judai was quick to match for the sake of finding food, "Well, should we follow our noses? I smell something good, it's just a matter of finding out what."

"You're right about that, maybe that's why my stomach's growling now... okay, let's see what we can find," Judai agreed, taking hold of the other's hand so he could play with his fingers and distract himself from the growing feeling of hunger. Luckily, their noses hadn't failed them and a few minutes later, they came out onto a busy street filled with street food vendors of all sorts.

"Now this is what I'm talkin' about," Judai stated, looking over all the different options ecstatically, "I tried looking up this exact type of thing before, but no real search results came up for this place. Street food is the best for figuring out what's popular in an area usually, especially in a city like this..."

"I'll save its location for you to look at later."

"Aw, thanks love. Alright, what should we start with?"

They'd only looked around for a few seconds before Yusei was tugging on his hand to get his attention, pointing him over to a certain stall a little bit downwards with a knowing, amused smile, "Over there, they have fried shrimp on skewers."

Judai was hooked immediately the second he said 'fried shrimp', and the 'skewers' part only solidified his decision, "No time to waste Yusei, they're calling me."

Yusei snorted at his enthusiasm, letting himself get dragged along by the hand behind him and teasing, "I swear, it's like you're a kid going after sugar in the candy aisle, except instead of lollipops it's fried shrimp on a stick."

"Shh, dear look, they have a spicy version just waiting for you to eat it," Judai retorted, pointing at the very clear listing on the simple menu they had posted up, "And because you're crazy like that, an extremely spicy one too. I just wanna try a bite of that and then it's all yours, got it?"

Needless to say, it was absolutely delicious, but Judai was very glad he left trying one of Yusei's skewers for last because it meant he could immediately go buy some ice cream from another booth nearby to soothe the burning in his mouth; Yusei simply snickered at his misery, snacking away at the skewers like they were nothing but a regular food and not the evil fireballs that Judai knew they were.

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