Return of the Fox

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Judai found himself getting picked up from the couch later that night without any previous warning, having been way too focused on the video he'd been watching on his phone, and yelped as he clung onto Yusei automatically.

"W-Whoa- Yusei?!" he started, clutching his jacket until finally recovering enough to change his grip to wrap around his neck instead as he watched the living room bob further and further away with every step Yusei took up the stairs.

A quick peek upwards showed him a smug looking, determined Yusei, though the bags around his eyes were still there to tell him that he hadn't actually managed to sleep off as much exhaustion as he needed to yet. He was met with relative silence for a few more seconds, the door to their room locking shut with a careful few calculated moves on Yusei's part, before soon he was being cuddled on the bed in an inescapable hold.

"I finished," Yusei stated, voice muffled from the way his face was buried in his hair and partially into his neck, and Judai couldn't have helped the little shiver he got whenever Yusei breathed if he tried.

"Already?" Judai realized suddenly, struggling a bit against Yusei's grip until he was finally able to turn around and face him, "I gave you until the end of tomorrow, y'know... Don't tell me you rushed it?"

"I didn't, it was almost already done anyways," Yusei replied - he hadn't taken off his glasses before whisking Judai up and away, and they were skewed haphazardly across his face without seemingly a care from him. It was pretty cute, but Judai didn't want them to break on accident so he carefully reached up and pulled them off before putting them off to the side of the bed for now because that was as far as he could reach; Yusei mumbled out a quiet thanks before re-burying his head into his neck with a content sigh.

"Well in that case, guess I've got somethin' to admit to, too," Judai said, threading his fingers through the other's hair with an amused smile, "I already bought the potion, so if you want a fluffy fox to hug you can have it if you give me a minute to go get it."

The reaction was almost immediate - Yusei's head popped back up as his tiredness seemed to almost magically disappear in favor of looking at him with an eager grin, taking a moment to peck him on the lips before saying, "I very much would like that right now, yes."

It only took him a little bit of digging to pull it out of a bag he'd stashed away in the closet, double-checking that it was the right one before he popped the bottle open and drank it. Just like last time it took a few seconds to start working, but Judai could tell once it did from the way his hearing somehow improved even more and the sudden flick of his tail once it appeared.

He really knew it'd worked when it felt so damn good to have Yusei touch his ears gently, maneuvering him easily back into the position they'd been in before but being mindful of his tail this time. He'd forgotten just how easy it was to zone out with his ears being pet, and he did his best to press as close to Yusei as he could for warmth and cuddles.

"Hmm... you said I was allowed to mess with you as much as I wanted, right?" Yusei mused quietly, dragging him out of his reverie for a bit.

"Yeah, that's what I said," Judai confirmed, twitching a little as he suddenly became hyper-aware of just how close they were and how a hand was slowly ghosting down his neck and back, getting awfully close to his tail before going back up and repeating the process.

It was almost torturous when it kept happening, and it didn't take very long for Judai to realize what Yusei's plan for him was at all.

"Good... now stay still for me, okay?" Yusei drawled, sounding innocently sweet as he brushed their lips just ever-so-slightly together in a way that nearly made Judai's composure break right then and there, "I want to see how much you can take."

If it weren't for the fact that Judai was determined to last through the challenge as long as possible purely for pride's sake, he would've been begging for Yusei to touch him not even five minutes later. 

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