Dinner Duels

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Swirly Glasses: So you're hanging out with Yusei during the tournament in a few days?

HERO: yeah pretty much, all three days

HERO: should be more interesting with duel spirits around at least

Swirly Glasses: Right, nearly forgot that Yusei could do that now haha

HERO: cant imagine him sitting and being bored alone for three days before

HERO: mustve sucked total ass

Judai slid his gaze back up from his phone to look at the current duel happening between Jack and Crow, with Jack being in the lead - judging from the look in Crow's eyes, though, he had something hidden up his sleeve to maybe turn it around. They'd been arguing about something that he'd only managed to catch the tail end of, where Jack loudly proclaimed that they should just settle it in a duel, and they'd promptly pulled out their decks and started dueling right there at the kitchen table in the middle of dinner.

He and Yusei had looked at each other with a shared look of exasperation, but hey, if those two wanted to risk getting food on their cards then it wasn't their fault. They chair hopped a little so they were sitting together at the end of the table so they could watch the duel without being privy to either person's hand. He'd gotten a text from Carly soon after, though, so his attention was really only halfway on the duel in favor of chatting.

"Alright, I special summon Blackwing - Bora the Spear in attack mode because I already have a Blackwing monster on the field!" Crow stated, the card joining the two other monsters already on the field.

"That thing is so annoying," Judai muttered to Yusei, making the other laugh in amusement, "Hell, the whole deck is annoying. So. Many. Special Summons."

"You say that like your deck isn't similar, just look at your contact fusions," Yusei muttered back, giving him a raised eyebrow, "You know how confused I was when you first did that?"

"Well, that's Neo-Spacians for ya," Judai shrugged before sending him a little grin, "I still think your deck is really cool. All those little guys help each other out and can come back from a huge board wipe, it's amazing to watch."

Yusei looked a little sheepish but still lit up a little from the praise, smiling in slight embarrassment, "...It's amazing to play."

They both turned back to idly watching the duel, hands having found each other's at some point without either of them realizing it, though it wasn't long before Judai's phone buzzed and caught his attention again.

Swirly Glasses: Damn you're right, didn't even think about that.

HERO: least its not a problem anymore

HERO: anyway right now jack and crow are dueling over something at the dinner table lol

Swirly Glasses: Wait, like during dinner? While you guys are eating?

HERO: yup

Swirly Glasses: Not again...

Judai couldn't stop the bark of laughter that left him at the response, which caught the attention of everyone else at the table.

"J-Jack, do you regularly duel while you eat or something?!" Judai exclaimed, unable to hold back even more peals of laughter when the image of Carly looking on in exasperation at Jack challenging her to a duel every time they ate together came to mind.

It was way too good of an image, and he shared the phone conversation with Yusei while Jack huffed and denied it, but still deflated a little showing that it was true.

Crow seemed to notice this as well, smirking and asking, "Pfft- Really Jack? And you do it to your own girlfriend, too."

At this point Yusei had let go of his hand and pulled out his own phone after reading over the text messages he'd shown him, searching up something with a mischievous grin stuck on his face while Judai and Crow continued to tease Jack lightly about the matter. Soon enough though, he added his two cents to the conversation, holding up his phone during a brief pause after Jack had attempted to defend himself yet again.

"Found a video of Jack dueling at a restaurant, posted a week ago," Yusei stated triumphantly, turning the sound up and holding it out for everyone to watch.

Jack was turned speechless, to say the least, and he grumbled to himself as Judai and Crow watched the video eagerly - when one looked closely, they could see Carly sitting in one of the back booths, looking totally exasperated but still sporting a fond smile; at least it meant she didn't actually mind him pulling that kind of thing, and in fact looked quite happy when she pulled out a notebook and started writing, letting a camera she'd pulled out of nowhere sit on the table and record a little part of the duel. She'd literally just had a free article dropped into her lap, so of course she was going to take the opportunity.

"Well, at least you're clearly making her happy," Judai teased, pointing out the action to everyone else. It helped Jack feel a little better, at least, judging from the way his shoulders relaxed ever-so-slightly and how his frown went from a pout to struggling to hold back a smile.

Of course, Crow was never one to pass up ammo that could be used for more teasing of his brothers, and their banter continued all throughout the rest of their duel, even if the topic changed after only a few exchanges. Needless to say, he and Yusei were highly entertained by it all, finishing their food and leaning shoulder-to-shoulder while whispering to each other their amusement with it all.

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