Homework Break

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Yusei winced as he stretched, moving his head and feeling his neck crack as he did so - he'd been sitting in the same, hunched over position for way too long and seriously needed to get up and move around. He'd been in the zone and gotten a ton of homework done in one shot, which was great but also meant that he'd spent hours doing nothing but write; while he was used to typing on a computer for longer periods of time than that, he was certainly not used to writing by hand for that long and his hand felt cramped. A quick look at the underside of his hand, the part that touched the page, revealed that it'd been colored silver from touching the pencil marks so many times for so long, so once he finished stretching out all the different parts that needed it he went and washed his hands real quick to get rid of it.

When he was done he made his way over to the couch, where Judai was focused on writing in one of the notebooks he'd gotten for his birthday. He wasn't entirely sure what it was about, but he didn't want to interrupt him too badly so he opted to just lightly sit on the couch with as little disturbance as possible so he didn't mess up his writing and sprawl out as best he could with a yawn.

"Well, hello there," Judai greeted with a smile a few moments later, finishing up his line before putting the notebook and his pencil down and reaching over to move him gently so he was lying down with his head in his lap instead, "Get tired of doing homework?"

"Yeah," Yusei breathed out, closing his eyes in contentment when Judai slowly started to play with his hair and scratch ever-so-slightly at his scalp, "I'm still not done, though."

"Eh, breaks are good," Judai grinned, "As long as it gets turned in on time, anything works, even procrastination!"

Yusei re-opened his eyes just so he could visibly roll them at him, which got him a laugh and quirked smirk in return. He reached up play with with a little bit of Judai's hair in amusement, twirling the long strands around his finger before brushing it to the side.

"Both of us really do need haircuts," Yusei mused, letting his arms fall after squishing Judai's face a little purely because he could and relaxing, "It was fine before but unless we really do want to start wearing them up we gotta get them."

"Did you cut your own hair back then?" Judai asked, nothing but genuine curiosity prompting the question - it was something Yusei loved about Judai, because it was so easy to talk to him about his not-so-great living conditions growing up without feeling any of the judgement he'd usually get if asked by any other person that wasn't a friend. Hell, he could talk to him about just about anything, and that was something he treasured dearly.

"Sometimes. Other times I let someone else do it if I trusted them," Yusei replied, smiling fondly as he thought back on it, "Crow and Jack were always adamant about doing it when they could, sometimes even fighting over who got to. I never really understood, but I think it was them trying to prove who was better at styling hair or had better fashion sense?"

"Gods, I can visualize that perfectly," Judai snorted, "Who do you think does?"

"Honestly? Crow. I know you've seen him with his hair down before - I don't know where he learned it from but he actually knows how to layer it half-decently," Yusei stated, watching as Judai slowly came to the same realization.

"...Oh shit, you're right," Judai realized, taking a few moment to think back to the few times he'd seen it - sometimes in the morning, Crow wouldn't bother getting ready first or grabbing his hairband so he'd grace them with the rare sight of him with his hair down, "I never really thought about it before, but you'd never know because his hair is up all the time."

Yusei hummed in agreement and confirmation, letting a peaceful silence fall between them as he closed his eyes again and simply let his mind do its best to relax for once and not think. It was always so much easier to do when Judai was there with him, so it wasn't long until he could feel himself relaxing to the point that he vaguely wondered if he was going to fall asleep; he wasn't sure if he really wanted to take a nap right now though, regardless of how comfortable he was, so he forced himself to open his eyes again and was met with the sight of Judai smiling fondly down at him.

"You tired?" Judai asked quietly, clearly not wanting to break the silence as much as he could.

Yusei shook his head slowly, answering, "A little, but I don't want to sleep..." He thought to himself a bit longer, trying to figure out what it was he wanted to do instead before finally continuing, "I feel like going out for a ride. You up for it?"

"I'm always up for it," Judai grinned, looking positively thrilled at the suggestion and leaning down to give him a light, but long-lasting kiss.

Yusei was absolutely procrastinating like Judai'd mentioned, but it was more than worth it to have a little fun racing around with Judai right behind him, cheering at the speed, and their duel spirits laughing and having fun playing around them again.

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