Powdered Sugar

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"I'm seriously debating the merit of just... privately asking the higher-ups if I can just deal with it myself," Yusei grumbled, staring dispassionately at the screen in front of him a couple hours later, "It'd be significantly easier than coming up with a plausible way of explaining how I know about the spirit dimension and gates to it. Plus, no one actually knows that I'm a psychic duelist still, so... it wouldn't add up."

"Would they let you?" Judai asked curiously, coming up behind him and leaning on the back of his chair while taking a bite out of one of the chocolate pastries - he'd done a really good job on them, if he said so himself, and everyone had nothing but good things to say about them, so he was feeling pretty good this morning.

He may have put a little bit too much powdered sugar on top at the end, instead of doing a light dust, but it was definitely worth it to see the small, childish grin that crossed Yusei's face for a few moments. He was seriously too cute for him to handle sometimes.

"I'm pretty sure they would," Yusei replied, leaning back and looking up at him with a smile, explaining, "It's not like they don't know about the spirit dimension, it's just that they tend to shove it to the back of their heads 'cause there's nothing they can do with the information. There's no solid way for them to implement anything and they don't particularly like the idea of using psychic duelists because of all the extra variables that brings in. In this case, because it's a one-time thing and I'm already known for interacting with a couple psychic duelists, I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to pass it off to me to handle privately."

"Well, then first try that," Judai agreed, pausing before his next bite and instead holding it up in front of Yusei with a grin, "Want a bite?"

"Of course I do, these things are evil," Yusei muttered, making him laugh while he took a bite. It happened to be in a spot where there was a lot of powdered sugar stacked up on top of it, so when he did so he ended up getting a bunch of it on his face thanks to it poof-ing up.

Judai seized the opportunity, quickly leaning down and licking a bit off his cheek before finishing it off with a peck to the lips, teasing, "Got a little somethin' there, love."

"I'd like to see you eat powdered sugar and not get messy," Yusei huffed, but his flustered face was adorable and the tiny little glare he got was ruined because of it. He attempted to wipe his cheek off, but Judai was quick to stop that by grabbing the hand and leaning down close again.

"Ah ah ah, take another bite," Judai grinned, feeling more playful than usual because he was in such a good mood, "Can't have you wiping it off, otherwise I don't get to have my fun."

"I already had two this morning..."

"And now you get to have three and me!~"

Yusei sighed, but ultimately gave in and took another bite, getting a bit more powdered sugar on his face again to Judai's delight. Slowly his face turned hotter as Judai kept giving him kisses, and it took a long time for them to finally finish the food.

By the end of it all Judai was very satisfied, managing to steal some of the sweetness of the pastry through the kisses and purposefully dragging them out sometimes so Yusei had to suffer longer from not being able to wipe his cheek off from the couple of licks he'd give it every once in a while. They both ended up laughing after they were done, though Judai found himself running back up the stairs to the room and barely managing to not trip over the cat when Yusei got a gleam to his eyes that spoke of clear revenge.

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