Meeting Up

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Luckily the train station was very close to Kaiba Dome, which meant they could just park the motorcycle there and walk over and wait for the kids, then walk over to breakfast which was also very close-by to the station. The train doors opened and sure enough the twins were right in front, practically bolting over as soon as they were able to greet them.

"Yusei! Judai!" Lua exclaimed, stopping right before he could run into Yusei's leg and grinning up at him when he ruffled his hair lightly.

"Hello guys," Luka greeted, going at a slower pace to meet up with them than her brother had, "How're you?"

"We're doing well, lots of excitement with the tournament," Yusei replied, giving Judai a side-eyed look when he heard him choke back a laugh at the irony - they'd been bored nearly half the time since they were stuck in the room and couldn't really go out at all, and not even dueling can sate boredom for nearly two days straight, especially when they aren't the ones doing the dueling, "How're you two? Settling in well?"

"It's been... different," Luka answered with a slight frown, though it quickly morphed into a small smile as she continued, "It's different, but it's nice as well."

"Dad cooks breakfast and dinner and Mom helps with our homework," Lua added on, nodding in agreement with his sister, "Mom's still got a lot of working hours but she always takes a bit of time every day to hang out with us since she works from home."

"And... they don't look at me weird when I talk to Kuribon and Regulus and my other duel spirits," Luka said quietly, her smile brightening significantly as she did so, "They even introduced themselves once they knew they were there, even if they couldn't see them!"

"That's what I like to hear," Judai grinned, plopping a hand on both twins' head and turning them around, "You can tell us more once we're at a table getting food, though. Breakfast awaits us!"

The twins' cheered, walking ahead a little bit and talking excitedly between themselves (well, it was more like Lua talking and Luka nodding along, only occasionally adding her opinion to the mix), which let Yusei walk next to Judai to hold hands.

"You've been practicing," Yusei noted quietly with a knowing look, "They would've just looked over us if you hadn't done something."

Judai chuckled, a slightly prideful grin forming on his face, "Yup. Latched onto them with the aura the second the doors opened to show them, which meant they were able to notice us."


"Shh, it's supposed to be a secret that I can be smart."

Yusei snorted at that, turning to look back at the twins and squeezing their hands together a little tighter, "I'm glad they're doing well."

"Very glad," Judai agreed, grin smoothing out into a calmer, content smile as he watched them as well, "I was a little worried still about their parents, but if they're doing that for Luka... there's honestly nothing to worry about in that regard."

"They're doing a good job in making up for lost time with them," he replied before letting out a huff of laughter alongside Judai when they witnessed Lua run into a light pole with Luka being torn between laughing her ass off and worrying about his bumped head, "Maybe we should catch up to them and lead."

"To be honest, I was amazed we were even going in the right direction in the first place," Judai admitted, starting to walk just a little bit faster with him in order to catch up to the kids, "We never told them where we were going yet they started with all the right turns to get there."

It took a couple more minutes of walking, but they eventually reached the cafe, which just so happened to be a certain cafe with one Blue Eyes White Mountain on their menu, and also contained another duo inside that were waiting for them.

"Jack! Crow! You're here too?" Lua grinned, walking over quickly to them with Luka, who was staring more-so at a few particular duel spirits that had decided to hang out around their duelists - Red Resonator and Dark Resonator were having a conversation about who-knows-what considering no one but Jack could understand them, and Gale was perched on Crow's shoulder, preening their feathers.

"We both had enough time this morning before work, so here we are!" Crow stated, gesturing wildly between himself and Jack before continuing, "Surprise! This place was the only one that'd make Jack get up in time, of course."

"Oi," Jack muttered in response, "You say that like I wouldn't have gotten up at all for anything else."

"You'll do anything for your precious specialty coffee, wont you?" Judai mused, getting a small glare from Jack for the statement, "Anyway - guys, come over here and order first, then you can go talk to them more."

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