Start of Autumn

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"It's officially October~" Judai hummed happily the next morning, going about busily in the kitchen as he was finally able to start making pumpkin spice things - he planned on starting with muffins though, mainly because it was morning and he was hungry for breakfast.

Yusei hummed as well from where he had his head stuck in the fridge, pulling out a few seconds later with the milk carton in hand and going to pull out a glass from the cabinet, "It is October, yes. What're you making?"

"Muffins - pumpkin spice, of course. Ooh, you know what we could do?"


"We could bring them over to our spot and eat them there this morning... if you're not busy, of course," Judai stated, sending him a relaxed smile, "We can literally go any day, so I don't mind waiting a bit longer."

"I don't mind going," Yusei replied, carefully pouring his drink out before looking up at him with a little grin, "I was gonna keep it a surprise, but I'm actually almost completely done. Another day or two is all I think I'll need to finish it up..."

Judai returned the grin cheerily, flipping the empty bowl in his hands and knocking it against the counter right side up so he could start filling it to make the muffin mix, "Really?! Maybe we should wait on the outing then, do it as celebration for you finishing instead."

"It's up to you, but I do agree that celebrating with it would be nice-"

"Then it's settled! Now you have an extra bit of motivation to finish faster," Judai said, cutting him off and flicking a bit of flour off his fingers towards him when Yusei raised an eyebrow in amusement. It did make an idea come to mind though, and he thought it over with a slight frown before deciding to just go with it and continuing, "Tell you what, if you can finish by the end of tomorrow I'll go get another one of those fox potions from the Aromages and you can have the whole day to just mess with me."

He knew he'd gotten him with that one - Yusei twitched as he searched his face as if to make sure he was being serious, and upon seeing that he was had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker, just as he'd hoped he would.

There was no situation in which Judai could lose here, after all, so he would be happy regardless of the outcome. If Yusei finished, then he'd get him a lot earlier to hang out, and if he didn't finish then he'd get something to tease him about and still probably get him earlier than he would've otherwise.

"I'm getting my laptop," Yusei muttered as he quickly exited the kitchen, though not without first downing his glass of milk and pulling Judai into a quick, tight hug that ended up making him laugh.

"Could you bring down my phone too please?" Judai called after him, snickering to himself when he heard just how fast Yusei had decided to climb the stairs, "Careful not to fall!"

"Yeah yeah, I get it!" Yusei called back, going down the stairs just as fast as he'd gone up them beforehand; this time he was armed with electronics though, one of which he fake-tossed at Judai once he was close enough.

"Yusei... my threat from before still stands. I will place these dough-y hands all over you if you throw my phone," Judai huffed, looking away and trying to hide the fact that he had, in fact, stumbled a bit when he saw Yusei begin to bring his arms up as if to throw his phone at him, "Or threaten it, that's good enough for me."

"Aw, no need to be so shy," Yusei chuckled, placing his phone gently on the counter a short distance away from him before coming close to give him another tight hug - this time he took a deep breath while they were hugging and it tickled Judai's neck enough to cause him to stutter.

"H-hey, watch it there," Judai mumbled, letting out a quiet squeak when he felt the other make a tiny little lick right behind his ear, "Y-Yusei... Don't forget, motivation-"

"How could I forget, it's right in my arms right now," Yusei retorted, flustering him a little bit more before finally letting go, but not without pulling him into a kiss first that Judai couldn't do anything about once again because of his hands.

"One day I'm going to do this to you instead," Judai vowed a minute later, slightly breathless as he leaned against him.

It was only once he caught Yusei looking at him a couple times later that Judai realized he was still wearing the hair clips from the day before, and that that was probably a large part of why Yusei was such a huge flirt that morning.

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