Tanabata Festival

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It took a little bit of time and help from Judai for Yusei to figure out how to put on the clothing he'd been given the next day, but seeing Judai's satisfied smile afterwards was well worth the trouble.

"You look amazing," Judai stated, moving back and around him a bit as he glanced over him and nodded to himself, "I knew blue and gold would be a good fit."

"It feels... weird," Yusei said, taking a few steps and moving his arms around experimentally - he wasn't used to more open clothing like this, even if the parts that were covered were layered pretty well, and he felt a little awkward with how exposed he felt. Still, he figured he'd get used to it pretty quickly since the collar didn't really fall much lower than his usual shirts did and that was the main thing bothering him.

He liked the sleeves, though. It reminded him of his lab coat and the hoodie Judai had given him... something about the baggy sleeves was just comforting, though he couldn't place why.

"You'll get used to it in a little bit, I remember feeling that way the first time I wore one, too," Judai replied, grabbing his own set of clothing before pushing him out of the bathroom, "Now shoo, I want to surprise you with this one."

"As if the gold gears on mine wasn't surprise enough," Yusei chuckled, complying easily and taking a seat on the bed while he waited for the other to get ready, "Aren't the decorations supposed to be flowers or something like that?"

"Yusei, we're probably two of the least traditional people ever," Judai laughed, his voice only slightly muffled behind the door.

"True enough," he conceded, letting silence fall for a bit afterwards.

Finally the door cracked open and Judai stepped out; Yusei felt his thoughts creak to a halt for that first second, eyes immediately drawn first to the dark red of the yukata before looking up at the little flower accessory Judai'd attached to his hair - it complemented the outfit and his hair well, and overall, he looked stunning.

"You look wonderful," Yusei smiled softly, walking over and gently touching a few of the cords hanging from the flower in the other's hair before teasing, "No flowers for me, though?"

"I have another that's the right color, but it'd take a long time to get it to stay in your hair," Judai admitted, his entire face brightened from the compliment Yusei gave him, "Those spikes of yours may fit you well, but they're not very good for any kind of hair accessories... unless, y'know, you wanna hang something from them."

Yusei gave him an exasperated look, but found himself grinning anyway, "I don't actually think you could hang something from them, it's not like they're stuck in place or something. It's still hair and it'll sink due to gravity."

"Guess I'll just have to try it out with lights around Christmas time," Judai shrugged.

Yusei couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it, "Sure, why not? Just don't be too upset when it inevitably doesn't work."

It took a few more minutes, but soon enough they were ready to go and out the door, the event only being a few minutes walk away. The sun was already down and the lights were all lit up, stars dotting the sky above as they finally reached the booths.

Yusei was in slight awe at how many streamers and decorations there were, strung up between and around the booths and overhead. It was very pretty and he was glad Judai had insisted on going to it, even if it was only for a little while because of work obligations.

On another note, he felt significantly more secure in his clothing when he saw that a lot of other people were also wearing some form of yukata, and the little bit of worried tension he'd been holding melted away and left him relaxed.

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