Quiet Reprieve

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Judai needed to go get the ingredients for what he wanted to make, so Yusei was more than happy to spend the day before New Year's Eve driving him around on his bike. It was one of their more favorite ways of getting out and about, as they usually saved whatever shopping they had to do for last and spent the time before it goofing off or going to their favorite spot at the bridge. In this case, they'd gone to the bridge first, making sure their usual towels and such were stored in the the motorcycle seeing as it was slightly snowy outside and there was bound to be ice and snow built up from the last few days; even if it was compact snow, it could be deadly if not taken care of using the proper precautions.

Plus, who wants to have to walk around with wet clothes when they don't have to in weather like that?

They were all set-up soon enough at their favorite bench, though, hoods down since the snow had stopped falling for a little bit. Judai'd made a quick thermos of tea to steep while they were getting there, and quickly microwaved some leftovers to hell and back so they'd still be warm by the time they could actually stop to eat it. Luckily it wasn't windy outside either, which made it really the perfect weather to go out and enjoy the the sights since it was only slightly foggy that morning, the sun breaking through on the horizon without much blockage as it did so.

As they ate, they did so in peaceful silence, simply listening to the sounds of the city and nature around them - it'd been a hectic month so far, and Yusei was more than happy to take a super slow day right before throwing themselves into another hectic day. He could tell that Judai was pretty grateful for it too, no matter how early they'd ended up waking up, since he was the most relaxed he'd seen him be in days as well; something about their quiet little hiding spot overlooking the bridge was just... relaxing in the best way. It reminded him of a few of the times they'd holed up in their room in the castle in Judai's dimension and had little tea parties in the castle's garden, and how they momentarily could simply forget everything else existed except them.

Suddenly though, he heard Judai let out a little hiss from next to him, face scrunched up and a hand over his mouth as he almost dropped his cup - it wasn't too hard to figure out that the tea must've still been too hot to safely drink.

"Burned your tongue?" Yusei asked, nudging him lightly as he leaned a little more into his space, glancing at his own thermos for a moment before taking both of them and putting them to the side, "Here, let me take it."

"Thanks," Judai mumbled, talking quietly so that his tongue didn't hurt as he did so, "Didn't think it'd be that hot still... guess not."

"Maybe if you eat some snow it'll feel better," he joked, getting a snort out of him before leaning in even closer, wrapping his arm around him slowly and tilting his head towards him before letting their noses brush each other, "Or... maybe this'll help."

He waited for just a moment, watching for the little widening of the eyes that Judai would do that had practically the same effect as him blushing, before pressing their lips together gently, hand on the back of the other's head very slowly moving up with his fingers threading through his hair and pulling just ever-so-slightly. He ran a tongue along the other's bottom lip, getting a little noise out of Judai as he easily was let in, being careful not to brush the other's tongue too hard just in case it hurt him - however, this also had the effect of basically teasing him, and he grinned internally at the suddenly tight grip Judai had on his jacket.

They hadn't had the time for a slow kiss like this in what felt like weeks, mainly because of all the chaos of the holidays, so they were going to milk the moment for all it was worth. Sure, they had some quick times in-between where they had some fun with each other, but they were usually too tired by the end of the day to do anything slow like what they were doing now, so it was nice to finally be relaxed enough and feel like they have the time for it.

Soon enough Judai was the one in control, though, shifting his weight a little and pulling back for a split second to readjust his grip so he had his arms around his neck instead of gripping his front before going back in for more. This time Yusei got to be the one feeling teased as a warm tongue brushed along his lips and explored his mouth, shivering a little when Judai lightly danced his fingers across the back of his neck and pulled gently on the strands of hair there. Suddenly he felt Judai pull back a little once again only to feel his bottom lip get gently bitten, the feeling pulling a startled moan out of him that was quickly muffled as he was smothered again, the other smirking against his lips.

He didn't know how long they spent kissing in their own little world, but when they finally pulled apart with half-lidded eyes they were both out of breath and satisfied for now. They laughed quietly about nothing for a bit, sharing another few quick kisses before sighing happily and looking back out at the sun on the horizon, lighting up the bridge as morning traffic slowly began to pick up and be more visible along the roads.

"...Let's stay until we manage to finish the whole thing of tea," Yusei said quietly after a moment, feeling around next to him for the two thermoses and bringing them back to them to hold in their laps.

"I like that idea," Judai replied just as quietly, turning to smile up at him with a soft smile that Yusei was quick to return. He curled further under Yusei's arm that was still around him, and Yusei couldn't help but press a kiss into the top of his head and ruffle the other's hair lightly before he finally rested his head on his.

It fell silent again, but they didn't need to talk to be perfectly happy and enjoy the moment to its fullest - it was just the break they'd been wanting and needing for a while now, after all, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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