College Present

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After dinner, the twins needed to go back to the apartment early to finish up a homework project and pack some more, so both Jack and Crow went with them, deciding to hang out for a bit and check to make sure everything was coming along well with that. In the meantime, Yusei and Judai finally told Aki about the field spell portal.

"We've got a bit of a 'Good Luck' present for you, Aki," Yusei started after the four had left, pulling open the desk drawer and gently grabbing out a duel disk for her to use.

"Oh? You guys didn't need to... thank you, though," Aki smiled, giving the two of them a curious look, "What'd you get?"

"It's less of 'what did we get' and more-so 'what did we figure out' in this case," Judai answered, gesturing for her to come and take the duel disk from him after he'd turned it on into stand-by mode, "Put this on and get out your deck."

It took a minute of shuffling around, but soon enough Aki was ready, her deck kept out in one hand so she could go through it easily, and she chuckled, "Okay, so... what'd you guys figure out? The suspense is killing me here."

Judai made a little bit of a flourish with his hands for dramatic effect, much to Yusei's amusement, before explaining, "Alright, so here it is. You know how all three of us can materialize monsters and use spells and stuff? Well, apparently you can do the same thing to field spells, except it doesn't do what you'd initially think it'd do - it opens a freakin' portal to whatever place it is."

Aki gaped at them slightly with wide eyes, looking between him and Judai for confirmation before stating, "That's so... how did no one think of doing that before? That's amazing!"

"I told him that you had a field spell in your deck that was most likely your signer dragon's domain, so we figured you'd get good use out of knowing," Yusei stated, smiling at the thought of his spirits and Starlight Junktion, "It's nice to hang out with your duel spirits in their territory. Since they're so connected to you, you shouldn't have much trouble at all opening the portal."

"To get back, all you have to do is activate it again and it'll drop you right back where you initially opened it," Judai continued, waving at her deck, "Try it once, just to see that you can. I wouldn't actually go until you have a solid chuck of time to spend there, though."

"If they're anything like mine, they'll keep you occupied for hours with just showing you around the first few times," Yusei said, which to his confusion made Aki pause and look up at him as she looked through her deck.

"Wait... since when did you have a field spell?" she blinked, raising an eyebrow at him, "Did you forget to tell at least one of us about stuff that happened again? And- before you say anything, no, Judai doesn't count because he was obviously involved with it."

Yusei gave her a sheepish look, glancing off to the side and internally cursing at Judai for starting to crack up at the situation, "Ah... maybe?" He gave Judai a look when he finally made eye contact with him, which got him to calm down a little before bursting out into laughter again at the sound of Aki's exasperated sigh.

"Seriously, you guys... well, congratulations, at least. Which archetype is it for? You kind-of use a mix of them, after all."

"The Junk archetype - the place is called Starlight Junktion, with 'Junktion' being spelled with a 'k' instead of a 'c'."

Aki snorted at that, laughing as she finally looked back down at her deck and found her field spell card, "Of course it would be a pun, why wouldn't it be a pun? Well, anyway, I guess it's time to finally try this out for myself."

To both his and Judai's delight, she was able to open the portal to Black Garden without a hitch, and they later shared victorious and proud grins when she called them the next day in the afternoon and thanked them profusely for telling her about it after spending the day with her duel spirits.

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