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A crash from upstairs caught both Judai and Yusei's attention, sharing a look with each other in confusion before hearing the telltale sounds of Winged Kuriboh and Junk Synchron talking. They'd materialized them for a bit so they could play while they worked and they must've wandered upstairs without them realizing it.

A couple seconds later, a quick glance into their room, whose door was the only one open at the moment, revealed a couple fallen boxes in the open closet and a sheepish pair of duel monsters.

"Sorry about that," Synchron said, looking over the scattered items and smiling, "At least it wasn't anything breakable, right?"

Winged Kuriboh perked up at that, flapping around in the air in agreement before moving to help the other clean up the mess properly. He still looked pretty happy, even though Judai could see one of his wings moving a bit slower than the other, which was throwing off his balance and flying power ever-so-slightly.

"Don't worry about this, we'll clean it up," Judai sighed, giving the two a smile before waving them out, "Why don't you go play with Pharaoh? He just got back from one of his daily exploration trips."

"Okay! Thank you, sorry again!" Synchron chirped, immediately fleeing the scene with the flying ball of fluff. Both Judai and Yusei couldn't help but chuckle at their duel monsters' enthusiasm.

Looking over the strewn items, Judai had one particular one catch his eye - it was a brown poncho, with red accents that were the same icon as what was on half of Yusei's shirts. Other than the icon, it certainly didn't seem like something Yusei would wear, let alone own in the first place, which made him insanely curious as to why it was there.

"Hey, Yusei, what's this from?" he asked, holding up the poncho for the other to see.

Yusei glanced over and upon seeing what it was, immediately lit up in recognition, "Oh, that's from Crash Town. It's a couple hours out from the ctiy and is pretty barren of things like trees. I had to fit in with everyone else there at the time, so they gave me it to wear."

"Is it Wild West themed or something?" Judai wondered, studying the poncho for a few moments before shrugging and pulling it over his head to wear - it was really big on him, as expected, but it was also comfortable and looked cool.

"Yup, here, hold on - I know it was in the same box as this..." Yusei replied, sorting through the items on the floor for a minute before grinning in success, "Here we go! This is the duel disk that goes with it, they surprisingly let me keep this as well."

"That's a duel disk?!" Judai gaped, not expecting Yusei to pull a pistol out from underneath the pile of stuff on the floor. He watched Yusei spin the pistol on his finger like it was the easiest thing in the world to do, thoroughly impressed by the act because he knew it was hard to get that spin down to such a level. Eventually Yusei stopped, pointing quickly at the wall and pressing the trigger, which caused the gun to suddenly fan outwards into a duel disk that was ready to be worn.

"That is so cool, let me see that!" Judai said enthusiastically, taking note of how Yusei managed to turn it back into a gun before also spinning it on his own fingers. He posed, left hand holding the gun out and the other arm forming finger pistols as he pursed his lips and winked at the other, "How do I look? Pretty badass, right?"

Yusei hummed in both agreement and amusement, standing up from the floor and making his way over to him, "More cute than anything else... did you wanna see me in it? Last time I wore this the only thing I got to see myself in was dust and the foggy grime covering the mirrors at the time."

"Of course I do," Judai grinned, tugging the poncho off quickly after handing Yusei the gun to hold on to. He slipped it over the other's head for him instead of making him have to put down the gun again, shifting it around so the logo was in the front in the right place.

When Judai pulled back to look at the results, he couldn't look away - Yusei looked so much more like a badass in it than he ever could pull off. The stoic face, the way the fabric hung off of him and the arm he was holding the gun in... it all added up into one cool image that Judai needed a picture of. This had to be his phone background now no matter what.

"Doesn't look bad," Yusei mused, having immediately shuffled away to look at himself in the mirror.

"You were right - I do look cute more than anything else when it's being compared to this," Judai emphasized, gesturing towards Yusei and pulling out his phone, "Do a cool pose, please? I really want a picture of you in this, you look so freakin' cool in it."

"...How's this?" Yusei replied, taking the same pose Judai had earlier after a moment's hesitation except with a far cooler look on his face. He had a small smirk on though, which had the added effect of being enough to fluster Judai as he snapped a couple photos quickly, doing his best not to look too affected by it.

Yusei let his arms fall back down once he'd finished, giving off a sigh before tugging the poncho off, "It's way too hot for this right now, sorry. I'd gladly wear it longer for you otherwise."

"Nah, you're right, I wouldn't want you to overheat," Judai said, changing his phone background successfully and nodding in satisfaction at his handiwork. His attention was brought upwards though when Yusei strode over and gave him that same small smirk; he couldn't hide his embarrassment this time, not when he was pushing him back towards the bed and effectively trapping him between his arms, which only made his face heat up more.

"You seem to like it a lot when I'm dressed up in any way for you," Yusei mused, tilting his head slightly down at him with a strangely predatory gleam in his eyes that made him feel a little small, but in all the good ways, "If I get these types of reactions, it's more than worth taking the time to humor you. Besides, I've started to think up some things for you to wear in return so you can look forward to that."

Judai was going to comment and ask what he was planning, but he found that the words didn't want to come out when he tried, so he let it go and instead forgot about everything else for a bit besides Yusei's mouth on his.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now