Costume Ideas

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"What's got you all pouty?" Yusei asked, ruffling Judai's hair and getting a laugh out of him before plopping down next to him on the couch and drawing him into a hug. He was taking a break from work, especially now that he'd realized he'd gotten way more done than he'd initially thought - one of the higher-ups had sent him an email saying not to worry about a couple of the things they'd assigned him to do, all of which he'd luckily not started on, so he was significantly closer to being finished with everything than he'd been a few days ago. It was a load off his back and he was way less stressed because of it.

"Hey there," Judai hummed, leaning back into him with a happy little grin, "I'm just trying to figure out what to about my costume for the tag tournament - speaking of which, you don't have class on that day, right? I forgot to double-check after that happened..."

"Don't worry, I checked - it's on a weekend and I only have classes on weekdays, so I'll be just fine," Yusei assured, pulling him back with him to lie down, "Anyway, what's going on with the costume?"

"So basically, I can't come up with something to match yours," Judai explained, huffing a little and nudging him to loosen his grip and let him turn around and face him, "I could just get my own different cool-looking cowboy get-up, but I wanted it to be something where we aren't the same thing in the end, y'know? Like an actual duo Halloween costume, not just the same thing times two."

"I don't have to dress up in the outfit, you know," Yusei suggested, squishing the other's cheek a little with an exasperated smile, "Then it'd be easier for you to come up with something, right? This sort of thing is supposed to be fun, not stressful."

"I guess, but I just really wanted to see you in it more," Judai sighed, words slightly skewed thanks to the cheek pulling.

Yusei rolled his eyes in response, pecking him on the lips and stating, "I'll wear it whenever you want, you know that right? It can be something just between us then, which makes it more fun."

"That's... yeah, I like that idea better," Judai agreed, pulling himself up to hover over him instead, arms on either side of his head and resting on the couch arm, "I like it a lot better, actually. Call me selfish but I want to keep as much of you to myself as I can."

Smooth, Yusei mused, feeling his face heat a little at the flirting and the hand that had started to wander slowly up his arm until it came to a stop and cupped his face. Still, it was a sentiment that he definitely shared, having caught himself thinking from time to time something along those lines - generally it was in the form of just wanting to protect that smile of his, but other times?

Well, the other times he had those thoughts generally led to teasing him or lots of heavy kisses - Judai was just too irresistible to him when he got those kinds of thoughts.

"I can't exactly call you selfish when I feel the same about you," Yusei murmured lowly, reaching up to pull him down lightly into a kiss by the front of his jacket so as to not unbalance him on accident. He closed his eyes as Judai let out a little content noise against his lips, hand dropping from his face to curl into his own jacket instead as he kissed back enthusiastically. They pulled apart after getting their fill of playfully-bitten lips and little teasing swipes of the tongue without actually deepening it.

"So... would you go wear it now?" Judai grinned after a few seconds, looking entirely unapologetic about it despite having to have already known what the answer would be.

"No, because if I did I wouldn't be getting back to work any time soon," Yusei replied, raising an eyebrow at him when Judai started to try and pull out the puppy eyes on him, "You know that won't work on me for this kind of stuff."

"Aw, fine, I guess I'll just settle with thinking up other outfits to see you in in the meantime," Judai laughed, falling onto him to hug him and nearly knocking the breath out of him in the process, "Still, ten minutes more?"

"Of course, wouldn't be much of a break if it was only five minutes long," Yusei snorted, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him back to be by his side so that he could breathe again, "I am hungry though, so food after."

"What do we even have for snacks...? Man, now I really want to start making cookies and candy and stuff, it's not even October yet though..."

"Judai, just make whatever you feel like making, don't worry about it being 'too early' to start getting excited about a holiday. Is Halloween your favorite?"

"Next to Christmas, yeah. I just... love the spirit of them more than anything, but all the event stuff is fun to do too."

"Well, you know me - I fully encourage you to have fun and celebrate, and then drag me into it too when there's food to eat or my cute Kuriboh wants me."

Yusei found himself in an inescapable hug and at the mercy of a thousand eskimo kisses after that one.

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