Sticker Pranks

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It didn't take very long for Judai to remember that he could talk to Pharaoh at the moment when they finally exited their room again, so they started chatting away while Yusei made some more tea for both of them with honey (no coffee for the time being - it was always good to take a break from caffeine if possible, after all, even if it was just for a little bit). Like last time, Yusei let himself get used as a pillow while they talked, perfectly content with cuddling Judai for the time being and zoning out for a bit on his phone after double-checking that he'd remembered to wear his glasses downstairs.

"I see... and then what happened? Wait, they did what? Why?"

A loud meow rang out in answer.

"Oh, well that sucks. At least you were there to save the day, or that would've been really bad... Oh! Oh yeah, so on the day of the tournament- you already know? Okay, that helps things a lot, now I don't have to worry about you then."

Pharaoh'd adopted an almost proud look at the statement, meowing a little quieter this time before evidently moving on to a different topic. The back and forth conversation between the two went on for a couple minutes more before Pharaoh eventually must've gotten either bored or hungry, letting out a noisy purr before darting over and out the open kitchen window.

"He got hungry," Judai confirmed, seeing Yusei's curious look towards the window when he looked up at his make-shift pillow, "Said he'd found a kitchen of all things at some place in one of the fancier districts that was owned by someone with kids, and the kids were always eager to play with him and give him treats without always meaning to."

"Sounds like Pharaoh's type of haunt," Yusei chuckled, pulling a laugh out of Judai at the unexpected joke as they leaned into each and drank their tea.

"Getting into the Halloween spirit, I see," Judai grinned, looking very pleased with himself - Yusei noted that the fox ears and tail really only made the sight look more mischievous, and if he hadn't already witnessed this type of Judai before he'd probably have been frozen in slight shock from the cuteness.

"It's a little hard not to when the entire apartment has been decorated for it," Yusei replied, waving pointedly around the room with a raised brow; the tied Halloween accent ribbon on anything and everything that it could go neatly on and the streamers that took up space on the walls so they weren't blank were the first things to catch his attention, and the littler decorations like the Kuriboh figurine they'd bought were put on the coffee table and kitchen table and the next easiest to find.

"Well, I hope you're ready for more Halloween spirit because I just thought of something we could do to pass the time," Judai stated proudly, grin turning into a wide smirk as he continued, "Halloween themed prank on Jack and Crow!"

"Predictable," Yusei snorted, thinking back to the first time Judai'd been under the potion effects - he'd wanted to pull pranks then as well, and it was up to Yusei to make sure it all went as smoothly as possible, "Alright, I'll bite - what's the plan this time? Not cut-outs again, I'd assume."

"Not cut-outs," Judai agreed, standing up and turning back around to face him, tail wagging excitedly back and forth, "Stickers."

"Stickers? How're we going to make stickers?" Yusei wondered, seeing the merit in the idea but not entirely sure how they were meant to execute it - he'd never had to make stickers before so he didn't have a clue how one went about doing so. If they could make them, though, it meant that they could make a whole bunch and stick them in hidden away places where they'd least expect it, like on the back of a drawer or other places - it'd work like the cut-outs, except allow for an extra layer of surprise because they'd be physically stuck onto a surface which allowed for a little more wriggle room placement-wise.

"Ah- right, okay, here's how it works - there's special paper out there you can buy that's sticker paper, and you can just print what you want onto it then cut it out. It's the cheapest and simplest way since it works with any printer, for the most part," Judai explained, tossing him a smile as he gestured vaguely towards their room, "I bought some during that spree I went on a while ago where I bought all those craft supplies and never used any yet, so we've got a bunch we can experiment on. Hell, if we're too lazy to make a digital drawing we can even just draw right onto the paper instead and cut it out - all that matters is that we manage to stick a few in the bathrooms and stuff and scare the shit outta them when they open the cabinets for the first time."

"If you weren't a cute fox right now I'd dare say that you were devilish, not mischievous," Yusei mused, reaching out and gently grabbing the distracting tail to stroke it, grinning when he managed to fluster Judai a little in the process.

"Hey, not fair... and devilish?" Judai paused, mulling over the word with a thoughtful look that had Yusei letting go of his tail to let him think unhindered, "Devilish... wait... that's it!" He smiled brightly, much more innocently and bubbly in nature compared the smirks he'd been sporting until now, laughing as he explained, "We can be a devil and angel duo for the tournament! It's perfect!"

Yusei hummed, glad that he'd been able to help him figure that out finally even if he hadn't exactly meant to - it was something that'd been bugging Judai for a while now, so to hear him finally make a decision and be sure about it was nice, "Who'll be what?"

"You'll be the angel and I'll be the devil," Judai said, nodding to himself determinedly, "Yeah, that'll work. I'll just have to design the outfit to be a little more on the darker side for your costume, don't want to clash with your hair too much, and then for mine I can draw some stuff from Yubel..."

"Why don't you go write it down real fast in your notebook, then we can go work on those stickers?" Yusei suggested, standing up with a stretch and leaning down to peck him on the forehead in amusement.

He'd have to tease him a bit about automatically assuming him to be the angel of the duo, though, considering how often Yusei remembered himself thinking of Judai as being an angel instead.

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