Aquarium Tickets

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"Hey... you don't have any major projects coming up or anything, right?" Judai asked, causing Yusei to wake-up slightly from where he was dozing on the bed - he was laying back on the pillows with his arms wrapped around Judai's waist, who was sitting in-between his legs in front of him and using his laptop to pass the time.

"No, I don't," Yusei mumbled in reply, yawning a little before closing his eyes again. It was nice to be able to nap like this without worrying about any deadlines or work and it was something he got to do nearly every day now if he wanted considering the relatively short amount of time his classwork and homework took him to complete; even the labs he was required to do didn't take long since it was group work and he only had to do a third of it, plus they were extremely simple compared to the stuff he was used to. He could crank out full work reports in hours, so he could easily do a third of a class lab report in an hour depending on whether he was assigned to do calculations or not.

I feel spoiled, Yusei thought to himself, shaking his head internally, No, wait, I am definitely, without a doubt, spoiled.

He would forever point his fingers at Judai for being the reason he was spoiled so much - before him, he didn't get ridiculously high-quality meals every day and miracles where he occasionally got the day off work, and now look at him.

The sound of keys getting tapped lulled him back to sleep again for a while, the familiarity of it combined with the warmth he was getting from Judai combining to be more soothing than he'd imagined it could be. He didn't bother wondering what the question was for either, figuring that Judai would probably explain later, and just patiently waited for the time to come.

He wasn't sure how long it took, but he was eventually woken up again by some light tapping on his arm, blearily blinking awake to see Judai turned on his side and looking up at him from his chest with a fond smile.

"Sleepyhead, guess what I just got?" Judai asked, smile turning into a silly grin now that he was awake (slightly) and paying attention. Upon hearing Yusei hum questioningly in response, he continued, "Two tickets to the city's aquarium! Wanted to cross that one off the list and there was a deal out for discounted online-order tickets, so I figured why not?"

"That should be fun," Yusei smiled - it was small and sleepy, but Judai's eyes brightened ever so slightly anyway at the positive response.

Judai turned back around for a moment to move the laptop off his lap and safely off to the side before turning fully around to face him, finally returning the hug that Yusei'd been holding him in and using his chest as a pillow.

Of course, in Yusei's sleep-addled state he entirely focused on how squished Judai's cheek became when he did so and promptly felt the overwhelming need to squish the other one to match it, so he did after releasing the vice grip he'd had for the past couple hours. He ended up squishing Judai's entire face in the process and laughed at the confused look that overcame the other when he did it.

"Whatsh thish for?" Judai tried to say, words skewed from the fact that his mouth was getting squished as well.

"Because you're cute," Yusei responded simply, frowning a little when Judai rotated his head so his chin was on his chest instead so his face could stop being squished. He fixed that issue very quickly by bringing his other hand up, using both hands now on either side of his face to play around with his cheeks.

"Yushei~" Judai whined, pouting as best he could considering the circumstances though not doing anything to stop him, "Thish ish making my cheeks hurt..."

"Just a little longer," Yusei muttered, almost completely un-phased by the puppy eyes Judai tried to pull that were ruined by the squished face and giving his own pair of puppy eyes in revenge; Judai fell for them almost immediately, relaxing and even leaning slightly into one of his hands with a look of defeat now.

Once he'd gotten his fill a minute later he relented, chuckling at the exaggerated sigh of relief Judai gave and hugging him again, making sure to keep an eye on Judai's hands to make sure he didn't try to pull the same thing on him now that he could.

"Have fun?" Judai questioned, raising his eyebrows at him with a small smile on his face that Yusei was sure was only small because of his cheeks being sore from all the squishing.

"Yes, very much so," Yusei smiled back, feeling a lot more awake thanks to getting his daily dosage of Judai.

"...So why are you hugging me so tightly? Worried I'm gonna do the same thing to you now?" Judai asked after tugging slightly on his arms and realizing that Yusei's grip on him was preventing him from moving them too much away, and certainly not far enough to reach up for his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh, sure you don't."

"So tell me about the aquarium?"

"...I'll get my revenge later when you're not expecting it. Anyway, so the aquarium-"

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