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"You don't have anything planned for today, right?" Judai asked over breakfast, eyeing Yusei with a grin before popping another bite of egg into his mouth - he'd felt like having something simple this morning and Yusei had agreed, so they were both eating eggs on rice.

"I was going to tune the bikes a bit, but that can easily be put off for later," Yusei replied, giving him a curious look, "You want to go somewhere today?"

"In a way. I'll show you after breakfast," Judai said, waving his fork at him, "Got a little present for you."

Yusei raised a brow at that, but chose to silently continue to eat instead of commenting. Judai did note that he started eating ever-so-slightly faster though, which he held back a smirk at.

With breakfast finished and all the dishes washed and put away, Judai led him back to their room, sitting both of them on the bed and double-checking his pocket for the umpteenth time since last night. The feel of the card edge eased his bit of worry, so he turned to Yusei, excited to finally get the show on the road.

"Alright, so... I've spent the past two weeks, roughly, trying to find this to give to you," Judai started, smiling widely and leaning in closer for effect, "It was pretty difficult to locate, considering it was in the spirit realm and I had only a vague idea of where it could be."

"Is this the thing you've been writing about so much in that notebook of yours?" Yusei asked, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes slightly in thought. Judai could practically see the gears trying to turn, trying to figure out what he could've gotten.

"That's something partially related, so it'll be 'Part Two' to this," Judai replied, carefully sliding the card out of his pocket while making sure the back was to Yusei the whole time, "This is more important at the moment, though. This card is rightfully yours, one-of-a-kind, and you can thank your duel monsters for telling me it even existed in the first place."

Yusei stared in surprise, looking down at the card as Judai took his hand and placed it gently in his palm.

"Rightfully mine? What..." he trailed off, flipping the card over once Judai let go of his hand and reading it, "Starlight Junktion... wait, is this a field spell for my Junk monsters?!"

"Yup!" Judai chirped, happily watching as Yusei looked over the card with wide-eyes, "Junk Synchron told me about it, and also helped me come to the realization of 'Part Two' - AKA, if you send duel energy through a field spell the same way you would when materializing a monster or using a regular spell, then it'll open a portal to the place in the spirit realm. If you use it again while you're there, it'll take you back to the same spot where you left."

"So you're telling me I can go here," Yusei stated, looking up at him in wonder, "To Starlight Junktion. Do my duel monsters all live there or something?"

"Yes and yes," he confirmed, scooting closer so he could reach up and push some hair out of the other's face, "You're gonna have a field day there, trust me. Your duel spirits are way too much like you, you'll see."

"So that's why you asked if I had anything planned," Yusei mused, pulling him up into a hug and burying his head into the crook of his neck, "...Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, I'm pretty sure your duel spirits are planning something big for your arrival," Judai chuckled, returning the hug and laughing when Yusei pulled back slightly to pepper his face with kisses, "H-Hey, that tickles!"

"I'm just showing my appreciation," Yusei teased, "Don't you like that?"

Judai huffed, smile stuck on his face as he stopped him with a kiss on the lips instead, "Come on, if we don't go now we're going to get too distracted."

"It's not my fault that you give me reasons to be distracted," Yusei replied, complying easily and getting up off the bed, "We'll go in a bit, I need to go get my glasses and wash up a bit."

"Oh! It's also cooler there, you might need a jacket," Judai remembered, "Weird to think about in the middle of summer, I know."

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now