Very Quiet Morning

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It was more of a nap that Yusei got due to how much he'd slept beforehand, but considering Judai hadn't finally passed out on him until way late into the night it was like he'd simply gotten up an hour early or something similar. Judai was sleeping soundly, and Yusei took a moment to just... watch him, smiling fondly at the relaxed face and slow breaths he took.

Might as well enjoy the peace while it lasted, he figured, since he knew the second anyone else in the apartment woke up it was going to be a pain to deal with - these weren't just regular hangovers, as Judai and Yubel had repeatedly warned him about last night, and were magic-induced mega hangovers instead.

Yusei laughed quietly to himself at the thought as he slid out of bed with a yawn, making sure to grab his phone off the side table before he trekked downstairs to see if Crow and Jack were still in the same place as he'd last seen them; they were, so much so in fact that their arms were still pretty much splayed out in the same exact ways as before across the table. Honestly, he was starting to wonder if they'd even wake up until later tonight... at least it was the weekend that day, so neither of them had to worry about waking up for work.

Judai would definitely be up earlier, though. Yusei was sure of it, primarily because he knew how Judai was when it came to things like recovery - sure, it wasn't the exact same type of recovery situation, plus it was magic-based so he wouldn't jump back from it nearly as fast as he usually would from something like this (Yusei estimated maybe a day to get over it?) but he'd still be conscious much sooner than the other two.

Pharaoh trotted right next to him as he entered the kitchen, looking up at him expectantly as he made his way over to get out breakfast.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry I'll get your food," Yusei reassured, stopping to pet the cat a little and scratch behind his ears. A minute later he put the food bowl down, grinning at how quickly Pharaoh ran over to it once he moved away before finally turning his thoughts to what he wanted food-wise.

He wasn't really feeling any breakfast foods right now, and he wanted something simple more than anything else. After a quick check of the fridge he determined that it was time to get groceries again due to how little of actual ingredients was left, but luckily there plenty enough to whip up a simple grilled sandwich. Judai'd showed him a quick way of making one since they were the kinds he'd make whenever they brought lunch out to places, and despite ultimately just being bread, cheese, and some kind of meat they were really good - all it took was an extra spice or two on the bread of all things after buttering it before grilling it, and it made it ten times better somehow.

Speaking of simple foods though...

Would normal hangover cures even work for this? Yusei wondered, letting out a hum as he carefully flipped over his food to grill the other side, It's magic-based, so...

He turned to Pharaoh, who'd finished his breakfast by now and had stuck around to hang out with him seeing as no one else was awake at the moment, and figuring he had nothing to lose, asked, "You wouldn't happen to know if normal hangover cures work for magic-based ones, would you?"

Pharaoh actually nodded in response, letting out a little meow as he jumped up on the counter and sat down.

"They do work?"

He got another nod and another meow, though half-way through the cat started to bob his head left and right in an arc.

"They kind-of work, then?"

This time the nod was much more sure of itself before Pharaoh stretched out, giving him an expectant look. Yusei chuckled but complied, digging through the cabinets and pulling out the treats he liked so much.

"Thanks for the help," he said, watching in amusement as Pharaoh immediately snatched the three treats he held out in his hands and started nibbling them on the counter, "You know you're not supposed to eat on the counter... I won't tell Judai, though."

If anything, Pharaoh almost seemed to laugh at that, briefly looking up at him with a meow before his focus was entirely on playing with the treats he'd been given.

Well, now that he was armed with the knowledge that yes, normal cures did seem to help at least a little bit with magic hangovers, Yusei got to work gathering painkillers and water for Judai when he woke up, making some simple buttered toast for him as well as pouring an extra glass of orange juice for good measure - he'd do it for the other two, but... well, like he said earlier, he had zero idea on when they'd wake up. At least with Judai he knew it should be relatively soon enough that the toast wouldn't go bad.

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