Date Ideas

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Yusei sighed in annoyed acceptance the next morning when he woke up and found a notice on his phone saying that there'd be a meeting in a couple days. It was in the early morning too, which meant he'd have to get up early and try to resist crawling back into his warm bed that contained a warm Judai.

Judai shifted next to him at the sound, so Yusei put the phone back and softly ran his fingers through the other's hair to put him at ease. A yawn escaped him as he looked at the clock, noting that it was almost nine thirty and he should probably get back to work; not only did he need to work a bit overtime to prepare for the meeting, but he wanted to finish up everything now as fast as he could so that he could spend some more time with his duel spirits. They'd introduced him to so many new concepts and ways of thinking about things like A.I. and how duel energy can be utilized, and now he wanted to tinker and test them all out until he was proficient in them.

Judai told him about the dream method as well and the favor he'd used on Phoenix and Manjoume, and he'd decided he might as well try it too. The other two had described a 'slight pull' feeling on them in their sleep when they first started showing signs of it possibly working, which was something Yusei was already able to feel last night - it was probably due to his connection not only to his spirits but the place itself too, seeing as he'd already been to it unlike the other two.

Yusei ended up dozing lightly instead of getting up, enjoying an extra twenty minutes of half-asleep bliss with Judai tucked into his chest before one of them finally woke up.

"G'morni-" Judai started to say, cutting himself off with an involuntary yawn before flopping his head down into his shoulder and burying it, "Mornin' Yus. Sleep well?"

"Very," he replied, reluctantly nudging the other to get up after he blinked the sleep from his eyes, "In other news though, I need to work. Just found out I have a meeting in a few days and I have to present."

"Aw, that sucks," Judai groaned, "I wanted to bring you somewhere but that'll have to wait until after that, then."

Yusei looked down at him curiously, wondering what he could've thought of this time - it felt like Judai never ran out of ideas of things to do and places to go, and they always ended up being fun or interesting somehow. Maybe part of that was because Yusei hadn't been able to explore the world like that for most of his life, so it was all new experiences for him, but he liked being able to do all these things he'd never be able to think of on his own.

"Where'd you wanna go?" he asked, tilting his head as he thought about his scheduling for the next few days, "Depending on what it is, I might have time beforehand."

"Definitely not, it's an all day type of thing," Judai immediately replied, shooting him a grin, "And it's a secret where, so you'll just have to wait a few extra days to find out when we go on our date."

"So it's a date, huh?" Yusei mused, smiling fondly before pulling the other into a hug, "I'm slacking on these things, you've come up with every single one so far."

"Does the day where we went to the stadium count as a date? Because that's one you came up with."

"...Kind-of? Do you count it?"

"Yeah, of course I do! That was some nice quality time we had there together," Judai nodded, sharing a look with him before they both broke into laughter.

"Sleeping on a stadium floor," Yusei snorted, "My date ideas are fantastic."

"Hey, that was nice! I liked it quite a lot, thank you very much," Judai retorted, hitting him lightly on the arm, "You come up with date ideas just fine, dear. Don't worry about it."

"Alright alright, I trust you," Yusei conceded, feeling a bit better about his sudden realization now. He'd just have to sit and really brainstorm a few things that he could do with Judai that would constitute as a date.

"Go get working, I'll make breakfast," Judai said after a couple seconds of silence, catching him in a much-welcomed morning kiss that Yusei ended up prolonging by not letting him pull away when he went to.

If he was going to be overworking again, then Yusei was going to take all the chances he got to not be working, especially when those chances involved being with Judai in some way.

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