Work Day Morning

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For once, Judai actually had his job line up with one of Yusei's class days, so he'd hopefully get to come home and feel like a lot less time had passed than it actually had. It was the event he'd had to practice all those apple dishes for and he was pretty excited, all things considered - from what Edo had told him, it was some sort of school event, hence why the requests were all more on the home-cooking style of foods; it was part of the reason Judai had been practicing his decoration so much, because he knew taking that extra thirty seconds to put little decorations on top of a pie would make an elementary kid student's day.

Well, he hoped at least. When he was a kid it would've, and based on all the times beforehand where he'd cooked for kids it did, so it should apply to this situation as well.

"You're awfully awake this morning," Yusei noted while they were both getting ready for the day - he'd just come out of the shower, which meant it was Judai's turn to do so now, "You're not normally so energetic."

Judai simply kept humming, picking out his clothes for the day and spreading them out for easy access once he was ready for them, replying, "I'm just excited for work, believe it or not."

"I can believe it - I've had days that were like that too," Yusei said, shaking out his hair a little in a way that Judai had to smile at - it made him think of a cute animal shaking out its fur after getting wet and was very endearing. Judai tossed his jacket over to him, which Yusei caught and gave him a grateful smile for in return, "Thanks. And see, you are a good older brother type."

"Oh man, I forgot about that debate..." Judai laughed, feeling Yubel perk up at the conversation topic.

"I still say that you're excited mostly because you're a child at heart, but I suppose it's also true that you like kids," Yubel admitted, sounding amused as she said it, "Well, so long as you don't have to be the one taking care of them. Remember that disaster a few years ago?"

We never were to speak of that again! Judai hastily retorted, feeling his brow twitch outwardly as he did his best to hold back his embarrassment. However, even Haou had roused with the reminder, snickering a little at the memory and ensuring that neither of them would be likely stop reminding him about it for a few days.

Yusei was giving him a curious look when he finally re-paid attention to his surroundings, though, so Judai had to give a little bit of explanation, "Sorry, Yubel was far too happy with the reminder about that, then promptly told me that I was excited because I myself was a child at heart."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Yusei assured him, walking over to stand next to him and brushing his hair out of his face with a soft smile, "Pretty sure everyone's a child at heart in the end, too."

Judai knew it was true, especially with Yusei being a prime example of it - he was quiet, cool, and occasionally broody, but every time Judai showed him something new or something interesting his eyes would light up with that child-like wonder he'd come to love seeing on him. He was just a big softy at heart and a sucker for learning, and he'd seen this same sort-of look (though significantly more muted) on Crow and even Jack at times. It was like they finally were getting all those childhood experiences and Judai could honestly say that he was glad they were able to, not letting the fact that they were adults now and each had busy schedules prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest.

He leaned up and pecked Yusei right on the tip of his nose, chuckling at the way Yusei blinked cross-eyed for a second right afterwards before they both had silly grins on their faces, "I say it's a good thing, and that I can totally be both at the same time."

"A child and an older brother? Yeah, that's a pretty good description of you sometimes," Yusei stated, laughing easily when Judai pouted and lightly smacked his arm to retaliate, "What? It's true and you know it."

"Yeah yeah, you're just showing off because you're top of the 'best older brother' leader-boards right now," Judai teased, poking him in the side and sticking his tongue out slightly, "I'll show Yubel I'm quality older brother material and surpass you soon enough, I'm sure of it."

"Go take your shower, you cute Kuriboh," Yusei sighed exasperatedly, rolling his eyes slightly as he gently pulled him to the other side of him and pushed him towards the bathroom door, "You have to leave before me, and that's in what, thirty minutes?"

"Yeah... I'll probably have to dry my hair. Now that it's gotten this long it's not drying as fast as it used to," Judai mused, tugging on a few of his locks so he could look at them and make a rough estimate of how long it'd probably take him to do so, "Maybe I could just tie it back and call it a day."

"Decide later, shower now," Yusei reminded him, catching him before he could distract himself too much on accident. Judai sheepishly smiled at him, pulling him down for another quick kiss in thanks before quickly hopping in the shower.

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