Teasing and Jokes

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Judai knew that he was being a bit too overbearing at the moment, but he couldn't bring himself to care about it; Yusei was responsive to his constant need for physical contact, whether it be through hugging him, petting his ears, or pressing into his side, and he hadn't asked him to stop at all, so he didn't.

It was to the point that he wondered if something about the transformation was triggering some part of his duel monster side to make him like this. When it was him that'd been affected before it hadn't felt much different besides the obvious, but with Yusei transformed he felt oddly more... protective? Like the time where they'd gone to the reactor and Judai hadn't been able to pry himself away from Yusei at all for the rest of the day, except in a milder form this time.

"Ah... can you get my glasses for me please?" Yusei asked, looking up at him from where half-laid in his lap on their bed. They'd ended up grabbing a quick breakfast and bringing it back up to their room to eat in bed so they could cuddle while they did so.

Judai carefully picked up the glasses from the side table, making sure not to get any fingerprints on it as he passed it over, "Here you go."

"Thank you," Yusei smiled, taking them and slipping them on before he pulled out his phone to check a few things.

Judai found himself staring at the sight, the glasses feeling like the final nail in the coffin for him to finally, for the first time in his life, give in to the giddy feeling he'd had building up inside him the whole time.

He squealed. Granted, it was quietly, but still loud enough to get Yusei's attention on him - the other blinked in confusion when Judai couldn't stop himself from squishing the other's cheeks, his own cheeks hurting from the silly, dopey smile he was unable to prevent from staying.

"J-Judai, what're you doing?" Yusei questioned, laughing as he showed no signs of stopping from playing with his face, "H-hey!" His glasses skewed slightly with all the movement, which didn't help anything at all and in fact made things worse for Judai.

"I can't take it anymore, how are you so freaking cute?!" Judai exclaimed, pulling him up easily and flipping him around to face him before going back to messing with his face, "Look at this, it's not fair at all. Perfect, I tell you, perfect."

"I-I dunno, and that's going a bit far, don't you think?" Yusei replied, doing his best to try and fix his glasses while simultaneously attempting to ease some of the torture his cheeks were experiencing, "Maybe it's more a 'Judai' thing here than a 'Yusei' thing."

"No, you're perfect," Judai repeated in response, pouting at him playfully as he let up on the other's face only to move to trailing his fingers around his neck - he hadn't forgotten that Yusei was sensitive there, after all, and he was heavily invested into teasing his boyfriend right now.

Speaking of which, that reminded him that he had an entire notebook of things about cats from that time he and Crow had Yusei rant to them about various cat facts that would help them take care of Pharaoh; he bet a read-through of a few pages of that would give him some great material to use on his unfairly cute boyfriend, who was currently living up to that description with the slightly-flustered look he was giving him.

He looked like he was trying to hide behind his glasses or something, what with how he was looking down and up at him through his lashes.

Like Judai said, perfect and totally unfair. For now though, he could remember a few tidbits from what he was now labelling the 'Cat Fact Encyclopedia', and a couple of them would be easy to tease Yusei with. A few extra seconds of thinking through how to go about it was all he needed before he pulled Yusei close for a quick kiss.

"I'm curious about something," Judai started after they pulled apart, bringing a hand up to scratch at one of Yusei's fluffy ears and slowly maneuvering him so he was sitting sideways in his lap.

Yusei hummed in confusion, eyes closing as he happily leaned into his hand and curled in towards his chest, "Should I be worried about that?"

Judai chuckled at his response, pecking his forehead before saying, "Maybe. I'm curious to see if catnip will have an effect on you." He laughed at the immediate, exasperated look he got in return, loving the range of expressions he was getting to see from Yusei.

"Catnip makes cats high, Judai."


"You want to see me get high? On catnip?"

"Well, we don't know if it'll actually work or not-"

"Judai, no. Just no."

"Aw, don't worry, I'm just teasin' ya," Judai relented, ruffling Yusei's hair lightly, "What about if I got out a ball of yarn, though? You already played with my hoodie like that earlier."

The deadpan stare he got in answer had Judai cackling like a mad man as he moved Yusei off him and tossed out a ball of yarn from the closet crafts bin. Needless to say, Judai was quite ecstatic that got what he wanted in the end as Yusei let himself follow his instincts and bat the ball around.

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