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"Y'know, I knew that you could get invested in this stuff too, Judai, but I hadn't actually been witness to it until now," Crow mused, having decided to hang out downstairs on the couch instead of holing up in his room after he ate dinner with them.

Now that they had the battery and a couple other parts Yusei had decided to order as well, they were able to continue going about making their solution a reality. It was going to take them a couple days, mainly because once they had everything set-up and tested they'd have to pay a visit to the reactor in order to try it for real, and they were eager to work on it as much as needed to make the process go faster.

"Well, to be fair it's not the hard part that I'm helping with," Judai replied, letting his powers fall away for a bit before leaning back in the chair he'd stolen from the kitchen and stretching, "If I were the one having to crack all the numbers nothing would be getting done."

"Still, do you guys even realize that it's already midnight?" Crow retorted, catching both his and Yusei's attention with the question.

"Wait, really?" Judai blinked in surprise, taking a look at the clock himself and realizing with a slight shock that it really was just past midnight, "Shit, where did the time go?"

"We've still got more to work on, I just need to finish putting this next step together... Judai, pass me that bolt to your right, please," Yusei said, clearly not as surprised as Judai had been. He located and handed the bolt over to him, exchanging a smile before Yusei turned back to the absolute mess of metal pieces in front of him.

"Alright, so while Yusei's doing that... Judai, you know what else you guys haven't realized?" Crow continued, a wide smirk crossing his face, "A certain someone hasn't come back yet, and it's past midnight."

Judai felt a smirk of his own slowly form on his face as he processed what Crow said, clapping his hands together with a dark laugh, "Just to make sure, you texted Carly to double-check, right?"

"Oh yeah, he's still there," he confirmed, letting out a few dark chuckles of his own, "She was more than happy to tattle on him, and made sure to remind me that we all needed to tease the shit outta him."

"Yusei and I came up with a plan already, you want in?"

"Of course I do, that's not even a question."

"Go explain it to him, it's going to take me at least another ten, fifteen minutes to finish this," Yusei stated, waving him off without looking up from the parts in his hands, "I'll get you more coffee after, then we can test it."

"M'kay then," Judai hummed, getting up and dragging the chair over towards the couch - he really didn't need to, but he didn't feel like shoving Crow's legs off the couch in order to sit down, so he just brought the chair with him, "So, first of all, we're not gonna do it for a few days because we need to focus on what we're working since it's pretty damn important. Just wanted to make that clear."

"I got it, now spill," Crow nodded, sitting up a little and tossing his phone on the table, "Please tell me it involves his duel spirits somehow, too. I still remember how you told me they cheered against him during that one time he and Haou were having one of their spats and it'd be hilarious if you got them in on this."

Well, Judai hadn't actually thought of that before, but it was a brilliant plan and Haou was very approving of adding some last minute additions to make Jack's embarrassment as strong as possible.

"Rile the bastard up," Haou urged, and Judai could feel that he was feeling just as vindictive as he was, "He still refuses to acknowledge my superiority, so he deserves every last bit of embarrassment coming his way."

I'll be sure to tell him that, Judai replied back, internally laughing at the continued rivalry the two had. Anything Haou had to say always seemed to trigger some sort of annoyance in Jack, no matter what it ended up being about.

"It involves them now," Judai grinned, leaning forward conspiratorially, "Alright, I'll tell you what we have now then, then you can help me modify it to include the Resonators."

This was going to be even better than he thought it would be, as evidenced by the way their planning ended up going way off the rails and expanding to be way bigger than they'd originally planned. Crow was then tasked with getting stuff ready while Judai went back to helping Yusei (only after getting coffees for all three of them and talking a bit more about the plan with Yusei while he took a break), and all three of them ended up staying up the whole night working.

Thank the gods it was the weekend, because none of them were required to do anything the next day and could sleep in after crashing in bed thanks to coming down from a serious caffeine high.

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