Home Early

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When Judai got home, he was surprised to find that a certain red D-wheel was parked in its usual space, meaning that Yusei was home as well for some reason. He'd been expecting to come home to an empty apartment, seeing as it was roughly four-o'clock in the afternoon, but he wasn't about to complain about it; he wasn't worried either since he knew that if something bad had actually happened, Yusei would've just texted him, and he hadn't.

"I'm home," he called out, shutting the door behind him with a foot while balancing the leftovers in his hands - he'd had a surprisingly large amount of them to bring home this time, though it was mainly because they'd overcooked like the school had instructed them to just in case because they really, really didn't want to run out and have to deal with a bunch of crying kids. At least they were really good and not too heavily on the sweet side for the most part, so none of them should have any problems eating them up.

Yusei popped his head out of their room, giving him a little smile and coming downstairs to join him, "Welcome back. How was the job?"

"Just as fun as I'd hoped, plus I've got a ton of food for us," Judai replied, sighing a little in relief when he finally put the bags down on the desk for now so he could pay some attention to Yusei instead by wrapping his arms around him in a hug, "What're you doing home so early?"

"My last class got cancelled, then the class before that got let out early because there's a test next week and it was an open studying period," Yusei explained, returning hug and letting out a small huff as he rest his head on top of his, "And you know me, I don't really need that."

"No, you really don't," Judai agreed, feeling any of the tension he could've had from work start to dissipate the longer they stayed like this - it was nice, just being able to hug him and bury his head in his shoulder like this. He hadn't known he'd needed this today, but he was very happy now that he had it.

"...So, what's in the bags?" Yusei asked, clearly seeing that Judai was not going to be moving anytime soon.

"Food," Judai said simply, not even bothering to lift his head up so that his reply wasn't muffled.

"I never would've guessed," Yusei drawled, sounding highly amused as he brought a hand up to start threading through Judai's hair, tugging the little hairband that was holding it back off in the process. It made Judai melt into him even more, humming a bit as he felt finally relaxed.

"It's stuff like apple turnovers, pastries for the most part," Judai eventually answered, still mumbling into Yusei's shoulder but at least audible enough for the other to understand what he was saying, "Sweet, but not too sweet. Just try one."

"Don't mind if I do," Yusei chuckled, reaching over to the bags and trying to take a step forward. Unfortunately for him, Judai was still latching onto him, very determined not to let him go until he'd gotten his fill, so it was significantly more difficult a task than it should've been; luckily though, the bags weren't more than a few steps away, so it wasn't long until he was digging through boxes with one hand while trying (and failing) to reach around Judai with the other.

"Judai, I need my arm," Yusei laughed quietly.

"It's mine, you can't have it," Judai whined, squeezing him tighter in response.

"I'm hungry..." Yusei mumbled, saying it in such a way that Judai was sure that if he were to look up, he'd get a rare dose of Yusei's puppy eyes.

"...Fine," Judai relented, shifting himself in such a way that he was still hugging him, but now Yusei could use both of his arms in front of him, "Better?"

"Much better, thank you," Yusei stated, bags shuffling around and one of the boxes getting opened, "That's a bit bigger than I thought... are there napkins in here?"

"There should be some on the bottom."

Yusei hummed, digging them out and grabbing what Judai could only assume was one of the turnovers seeing as those were pretty big and the only things he could see needing a napkin to hold to eat due to the slightly-sticky sugar coating on them. The first bite was quickly followed with a hum of contentment, the second bite occurring not long after.

"Delicious as always," Yusei smiled, nudging him a little with his shoulder that he was leaning on, "Want some?"

"Sure, why not?" Judai decided, looking up at him and the pastry that was suddenly next to his face before opening his mouth and taking a bite, enjoying the sweetness of the sugar and apples before continuing, "That is good."

Yusei shot him a curious look, asking, "Had you not tried it yet? I would've thought that you had at some point."

"Not any of today's batch, I hadn't," Judai replied, giving him a grin and stating, "You should go try it with ice cream, it's really good that way."

Silence fell between them, both of them staring straight at each other with equally determined and amused looks.

"...So, are you going to go or...?"

"I have a certain Judai weight stuck to me, how am I supposed to go?"

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now