Class Time

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Yusei hadn't even left yet, but the dread for the coming day was already multiplying as he made sure for the nth time that he'd put everything he needed in his bag. It was all there of course, but doing so dragged his mind away from the issue for a few precious seconds that he'd gladly latch onto.

"I know school sucks, but I think you'll feel a lot better about it after the first day," Judai sighed, nudging him lightly on his side with a smile, "Besides, I'm pretty sure the actual classes will be the least stressful part of it - dealing with people is the hard part, especially with uh... you being the current champion and all."

"The weekend cannot come fast enough," Yusei muttered, twitching a little at the reminder. He wouldn't get the luxury that was Judai's ability to obscure them from being seen since he'd be on his own and when combined with where he was going, was a recipe for disaster. Hopefully he'd be able to just make a straight shot for his classes and/or the students there had better things to do than fan over him.

"Well, I agree with that one - the tournament should be fun," Judai chuckled, nudging at him again to get him to stop fiddling with his bag, "Come on though, breakfast's ready and I made chocolate pancakes just for you."

"Ah... you made my favorite? Thanks," Yusei replied with a smile, letting out a laugh of his own as he made his way to the kitchen and slowly started to eat; Judai sat down next to him with his own hidden plate, though he started eating a little faster than him and ultimately finished while he was still only halfway done. Judai went on to go work on something else, though what it was was a mystery to Yusei since he was actively trying to hide what it was from him - all he knew was that it was probably food related since it was all being worked on in the kitchen.

"So my last class ends at six-thirty," Yusei explained, happily smearing some of the melted chocolate chips across the top of another section of his pancakes before going on to tear off the section with a fork. He really loved chocolate, and Judai's chocolate pancakes in particular were fluffy without being too sweet from being served with so much chocolate; his day was starting to look up a bit just because of the food, to be honest, and he found himself finally able to relax a little bit to talk.

"Late dinner on class days then?" Judai mused, pausing to look over his shoulder at him and blinking, "I don't mind waiting, so don't worry about it. I'd rather have you around to eat with than start a little early without you."

"Alright, thanks - if you do ever get super hungry though, don't worry about waiting please," Yusei said, pointing a forkful of pancake at him with a small grin, "Got it?"

"Yeah yeah, I got it," Judai reassured, returning the grin before going back to the thing he was doing beforehand. Yusei cleaned off the rest of his plate at a relaxed pace, savoring the chocolate on his tongue in between bites until there wasn't anymore to be eaten.

"Guessin' it was good?" Judai asked cheekily, noticing that he'd finished and leaned back in his chair for a bit to reset himself.

Yusei opened his eyes and gave him an exasperated look, replying, "Of course it was, though it wasn't just good, it was great." They shared a laugh before Yusei got up and decided to help out a little bit by washing the dishes, being careful not to look over at what Judai was doing - if he wanted it to be a surprise, then he'd let him have his fun and not spoil it for himself. He did have a quick glance over at him though purely so he could stick his tongue out at him a little since he kept adding dishes to the sink to be washed.

"Sorry, thanks for the help though dear," Judai laughed, leaning up to give him a quick kiss in appreciation before waving him off again, "Now, shoo! No looking yet!"

By the time Yusei finished, Judai was done as well and he found himself being pulled into a hug once he dried his hands off. He let out a little hum of question that was answered by Judai simply smiling and leaning up to steal another kiss, which he gladly gave away and even made a little longer by not letting him pull away the first time.

"You kinda forgot something, ya gear-head," Judai teased, holding his hands for a moment just so he could squeeze them before grabbing a bag that Yusei hadn't noticed before off the kitchen counter, "You need a lunch."

"...I may have forgotten, yes," Yusei admitted sheepishly, eternally grateful that Judai was there to look out for him - he'd been so focused on everything else that he'd completely forgotten he'd need to eat in-between classes at some point or he'd probably burn out super early, "Thanks, cute Kuriboh." He gently put the lunch bag back on the counter so he could steal some more kisses to show his thanks, peppering eskimo kisses all over Judai's face and enjoying the laughter it pulled out of him.

"Try to have fun, okay?" Judai eventually said, once they'd had to stop because Yusei needed to leave, "I love you."

"I'll do my best, love you too," Yusei replied quietly, feeling significantly better about how the day was going to go now that he'd gotten a significant dosage of his boyfriend to carry with him.

It ended up not being very bad after all, especially when he found a quiet place to eat by himself and found a cute little love note in his lunch bag; he didn't know when Judai found the time to write it, but it definitely succeeded at putting a smile on his face and restoring any good mood that he'd lost throughout the day so far.

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