Getting Revenge

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Waking up was even nicer than it was falling asleep; Yusei felt incredibly relaxed as he woke up second for once to his new ears being pet by Judai, enjoying the feeling it gave him and actively pushing his head further into the other's hand.

"G'mornin' sleepyhead," Judai greeted quietly, the hand he wasn't using to scratch his ears pulling him up a little so they were face-to-face, "Feeling better this morning?"

Yusei merely hummed out a positive answer, letting his eyes close again as he re-latched onto Judai's hoodie and tangled their legs together more. To his delight Judai kept up the ministrations, letting the peaceful morning silence fill the air so he could focus entirely on the new sensations he was feeling.

Judai felt so warm against him, which stood out even more than usual - Yusei assumed it was because, as they'd both predicted before, being a cat amplified his love for napping whenever he was warm. One of his fingers brushed against the other's hoodie strings, which resulted in immediate transfixion as he opened his eyes and took one in his hand.

Without really thinking about it he pushed away slightly, ignoring the questioning noise Judai made in response in favor of batting at the string in his hand instead. The back and forth movement was practically mesmerizing for a reason unknown to him, so he continued to play with both the strings, only looking up when he heard Judai chuckle at him.

Of course, that was when it finally registered in his mind what he was doing and Yusei felt his face warm in embarrassment. He'd known what he'd been getting into, and now he truly understood what Judai had meant by 'following his instincts'; it was nearly impossible to not follow them when one was under the effect of the potion, and it felt completely natural to do so.

"I can't decide what I like better," Judai laughed lightheartedly, pulling him back closer to him and pecking him on the lips, "Seeing you so relaxed or seeing you with cat ears and a tail and being cute."

"I don't know about you, but I'm fully enjoying the benefits of both right now," Yusei replied with a slight sigh of happiness. It went quiet for another minute or two, before suddenly a hand that he hadn't noticed wandering stroked his tail and he jumped.

He felt his face flush red as Judai slowly pet his tail, giving him a startled look that quickly turned into an embarrassed pout at the sight of Judai looking incredibly smug, "This is revenge, isn't it?"

"Oh definitely," Judai chirped back, suddenly pulling them both up in such a way that Yusei fell forwards onto his lap - in fact, Yusei was sure this was almost exactly what had happened before, but with the roles reversed now instead. Judai had let go of his tail for a bit, which gave him some time to get his bearings back (or at least, a semblance of them) while they adjusted their position to be more comfortable. They ended up in a half lying, half sitting position against the pillows, with Yusei on top and practically lying on top of the other, who still had a hand giving attention to his ears despite all the movement.

"You're good with this, right?" Judai double-checked quietly as they settled in, switching to stroking his hair gently for a moment, "If it gets to be too much, just tell me, okay?"

"I am and I will, don't worry," Yusei replied with a smile, suddenly feeling a bit bold and continuing, "In fact, I bet I can do better than you did."

Judai paused at that, and suddenly it was like a switch had flipped. Yusei had no time to prepare for the sudden, dark chuckle and smirk that made his heart skip a beat, nor the half-lidded, playfully glinting eyes that clearly showed that Judai had accepted the challenge.

"So you want to play like that, hm?" Judai said lowly, leaning up so he could whisper huskily into his ear, "I'm going to have fun proving you wrong, pulling all those little noises that I love out of you."

A warm mouth was suddenly on his and a hand wrapped back around his tail, making him yelp before he could do nothing but melt into a puddle of goo. Yusei definitely did not regret making that bet, not in the slightest, and as he couldn't help but let out strangled noises like Judai said he'd make him do when the hand on his tail found a particularly sensitive spot and focused on it, he thought that it might just be a good thing if he ended up losing the bet, too.

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