King's Room

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Since there was time to kill after lunch, Judai brought Yusei on a little tour of the rest of the castle, pointing out various rooms that 'd be important to remember. For example, he made sure Yusei knew where their room in the castle was for future reference, especially if they ever needed to stay there for some reason.

"It's not the original 'King Room' - that's Haou's room, and no one was willing to touch that or use it in case of his wrath - but it's still a really nice bedroom," Judai stated, backing up a little before getting a running start onto the king-sized bed, "I mean, just look at this thing! This bed is huge and the room still has lots of leg-room despite that."

Yusei laughed as he walked up to the bed, sitting down and smiling at him as he brought his head into his lap, "It is very spacious... I like that it has a lot of light thanks to the windows, though."

Judai hummed, letting his eyes close and enjoying the feeling of Yusei's fingers lightly threading through his hair, "Careful, I might fall asleep if you keep doing that. This is really comfy."

"A nap wouldn't hurt, would it? We don't need to leave for another couple hours or so," Yusei asked quietly, making him open his eyes again as he sat up from his lap.

"Sounds like a plan to me - now scooch over, let's actually lie down the right way," Judai replied, waving him backwards towards the center of the bed. It took a minute or two to get comfortable, but once they did so they were able to share a few lazy kisses and cuddle with happy sighs.

"What other rooms were you going to show me?" Yusei wondered, currently occupied with doing his best to make sure Judai was stuck as half-asleep as possible - at least, that's what it felt like with how warm the hugs were and the way his fingers relentlessly scratched through his hair in just the right way.

"We only got about-" Judai yawned, tightening his grip on Yusei's jacket as he slowly blinked up at him with a smile, "-about a quarter of the castle left. The main last place I wanted to show you was the training room and the equipment room, since those two are pretty damn cool."

"How so?"

"There's swords. Real, sharp, pointy swords that look like something right out of a fairy-tale, and there's a lot of them in the equipment room to pick and choose from for the training room."

"I'm guessing you've learned how to use swords then? That's... a little odd to think about," Yusei frowned, though it was with a smile, "Maybe I just need to try it myself."

"Swords are dangerous as all hell, but they're definitely a lot of fun to use on dummies, which is what I want you to try," Judai agreed, picturing it in his head and remembering the first time he tried using a sword. It got stuck in the dummy on the fourth swing, but until then the feel of slashing at it with a huge blade was incredibly satisfying; it turned into one of those memories he'd think about whenever he needed a quick lift to his mood since it always put a smile on his face.

He knew how to wield a sword thanks to Haou's memories, but the muscle memory wasn't there, which made for some interesting screw-ups as his mind said to do one thing while his body did another. He'd regained enough to show-off some swordplay, though, and he was tempted to do that for Yusei, but that would probably have to wait for another day where they hadn't made a huge loop of the towns and just eaten a late lunch.

For now though, they both let a light, peaceful atmosphere fill the air, stealing a few sweet kisses from each other as they continued to laugh quietly and chat about random things before eventually they fell asleep, cuddled together in the middle of a bunch of fluffy sheets and pillows with their hands held together.

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