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Judai had run out to go get more ingredients since they had accidentally bought too little for the presents and ran out, telling Yusei to just sit tight and wait since it wasn't very far - in the meantime he was finishing putting all the tags and stuff together, finally getting around to signing the cards they'd gotten as well. Crow and Jack were hanging out downstairs with him as well, having gone out to the candy store and getting the entire list that Judai'd written out for them before returning roughly thirty minutes ago; they'd gotten some medium-sized, Christmas-themed bags to put them in, so they'd basically domineered the coffee table by spreading out all the candy they'd bought in order to make it as organized as possible. Thankfully Yusei wasn't affected since he'd already set himself up in a chair in the living room, an unfold-able side table in front of him to write on - he hadn't wanted to work at the desk since it faced the wall and he would rather be able to talk to the others easily.

He mentions them because... well, Yusei could tell his brothers were up to something. It was painfully obvious considering the smug smirk that occasionally twitched at the edges of Jack's mouth, along with the almost permanent-looking, 'innocent' smile on Crow's face. Plus, they kept glancing at each other as if there was some sort of funny, inside joke, eyes glinting every time they did so.

"Do I want to know what you two are up to?" Yusei drawled, pausing in his signing when he saw them exchange amused looks again.

"Who ever said we were up to something?" Crow replied, 'innocent' smile turning ever-so-slightly less innocent on accident in response - if it wasn't already clear to him that they most definitely were up to something, then it certainly was now.

"Uh-huh, sure, act like you don't know what I mean," Yusei stated, raising an eyebrow at them when even Jack tried to put on an innocent-looking face, "Your guys' poker faces are awful."

"Just go back to signing your stuff," Jack said, huffing a little afterwards as he plopped another candy into the current bag he was holding, "Damn it, we're not even half-way done."

"We only started twenty minutes ago, you crybaby," Crow snorted, not dodging the light smack that hit his upper arm, "Hey!"

"You're seriously calling me a crybaby? And then you go and flinch at that, I barely even touched you," Jack asked exasperatedly, not able to dodge the responding light smack that was given either, "Fuck you."

"I've bagged more than you, I'm currently winning," Crow hummed, clearly egging Jack on but succeeding at doing so anyway considering how Jack immediately tried to pick up his speed. It only made the bag a little more wrinkly though, not looking quite as nice as the others, and all three of them stared at the end result with varying levels of exasperation.

"...This one's Manjoume's," Jack eventually decided, tossing his haphazardly into the box they had to store them in. Both Crow and Yusei snickered at that, then watched in great amusement as he went back to bagging candy at the pace he was going at before.

About ten minutes later, the door opened to reveal that Judai was back already, bags in hand filled with flour, graham crackers, and other various things they needed for the recipe, "I'm back! Yusei let's get this stuff done now, then we can actually make a batch for ourselves since I was forced to buy so much extra - why can't things come in smaller amounts?"

"Because then they'd get less money-"

"It was a rhetorical question, dear."

This time it was Crow and Jack snickering in the background, though Yusei just rolled his eyes with a smile and went to follow Judai into the kitchen, though he paused upon seeing something that was not there before in the kitchen entry-way.


Judging from the quiet cackles that came from behind him, this was his brothers' doing and what they'd been laughing to themselves about the last thirty minutes.

It wasn't too high in the entry-way, but considering Judai had been looking down at his bags the whole time, he hadn't seen it... and then he paused in the entry-way to look at him.

Damn it Judai, Yusei sighed internally, hearing the cackles grow just a little louder at how perfectly this had gone for them, You just had to stop there, didn't you? Nevertheless, he was fine with taking the opportunity and moved to stand next to his cute Kuriboh - he was hoping the other two didn't have their camera with them, but that was probably just wishful thinking at this point.

"Yusei?" Judai asked, blinking confusedly as he stopped in the entry-way next to him and simply pointed up to get him to look, "Huh...? What's up- O-oh." His face heated up just a little bit, but it was cute to see him get embarrassed by such a thing - Yusei was a little flustered himself, but he attributed that more to his brother setting this up than the actual tradition itself, which was what caused Judai to be so.

Still, Yusei was a gentleman, so despite flustering Judai a bit more by slowly and gently brushing some hair away from his face first, he leaned down and made the kiss quick - like hell was he going to give them any extra seconds to possibly take a picture of them. They were quick to hide in the kitchen after, out of sight of the living room, where Yusei proceeded to tease his adorable boyfriend about getting so embarrassed about it, hugging him tightly and feeling both their hearts beating just a little faster than usual.

"I completely forgot mistletoe was a thing," Judai eventually squeaked out, burying his burning face into Yusei's shoulder, "It completely caught me off guard."

"Huh, so if I want to get this kind of reaction from you I need to catch you off guard? Good to know."


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