Early Morning

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"Here we are again," Yusei breathed out, swiping his card the next day and tossing the bag he was carrying off to the side. The second day started at the same time as the first had, but it felt way earlier for some reason and getting ready and out of the house had been slow-going to say the least.

"Ready for another full day of matches?" Judai asked, letting out a little yawn, though Yusei noted that it was ever-so-slightly getting shorter as the morning went on. He'd been yawning during breakfast and the ride to the stadium, which was rather cute since he'd paused to take big yawns while he cooked and then done his best to bury his head into his back during the ride.

"Don't remind me," Yusei mumbled, walking over to turn on the screen and make sure everything was still set-up properly for viewing, "At least we'll have something different to watch today - all the turbo duelists that are in the tournament duel today."

"Oh yeah!" Judai realized, already ruffling through the bag he'd dropped on the counter of the tiny kitchen area that held a microwave and a sink, "Hey, that'll be fun. You'll probably have to explain to me what's going on sometimes, though. Is today supposed to go as long as yesterday?"

"It goes until they have sixteen people left to duel tomorrow in quarterfinals, though it probably will end a bit earlier because turbo duels generally don't take as long because of speed spells," Yusei explained, satisfied with how the screen was set up and setting it to a low volume for now until the dueling actually began - they didn't need to listen to the commentary from the shout-casters, but it was loud enough that if he was mentioned he'd hear it and could tune in for a moment. He rubbed at his eye, noting that he could feel a little bit of a dry spot on his right one, so he walked over to Judai and asked, "Can you get out my contact case? I need to take these out."

"Ah, bad aim today?"

"A little, yeah. Not too much, but I still want my glasses."

Judai passed the case off to him a few seconds later, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek to go with it before going back to picking out what snacks he wanted to eat first, "There ya go. Any snack requests or should I just bring over whatever to the couch?"

"You pick, I'm still full from breakfast, thanks," Yusei replied, well-practiced enough in switching out his contacts now to be able to talk while he did so, "Anyway, Crow and Jack said they'd be here around dinner, which means they'll actually be here around an hour beforehand. When it comes to tournaments they're always early and take any opportunities they can to do so."

"Yeah, sounds like something they'd do," Judai chuckled, before turning to him in realization, "Hey wait a minute! If they're going to get here at that time, then we should just make them go get the food on their way up here!"

Yusei laughed as well, blinking his eyes in slight relief as he made sure everything was safely put away for later before pulling out his glasses, "You're right, that's a good idea. Maybe after we text them we text Carly too, just in case so if Jack shows up first we've got assurance that he'll actually go get it because he's definitely going to go see her first."

"We'll do that, though maybe I should just go early and get some of that chicken from yesterday for us to snack on," Judai mused, passing off a few bags of candy to him in exchange for putting the contact lens case back away, "Beat the line, get it fresh. I don't know when it actually opens, though?"

"Why don't we go check now, then? We've got time to kill and there aren't too many people here yet," Yusei suggested, making his way over to the table in front of the couch and dropping the bags there, "At the very least we can go get drinks somewhere, I know those kinds of places are open from the moment the stadium opens."

"Why not? We can explore a little again," Judai grinned, joining him by the table and dropping his own armful of snacks before leaning into him for a hug, to which Yusei hummed and complied, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on the top of his head, "...Though this is pretty comfy, I dunno if I wanna move. I'm tired still."

"I am too, don't worry," Yusei smiled, tightening his grip before his smile turned into a wild grin as he lifted Judai up in the air and started to spin him around in a circle, "Maybe this'll wake you up!"

Judai squeaked, not having expected the sudden motion as his eyes popped open as he did his best to try and get down from the spinning, "I'm awake, I'm awake! Yusei-!"

He paused for a moment, giving Judai a little bit of false hope before starting to spin him again quickly and stating, "Hmm, I don't think you are. I need to do it more to be sure."

"Damn it- let me down! No more, ah-"

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