Pocky Day

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"Oh Yusei!~" Judai called out, letting the door shut lightly behind him as he walked in, "I'm back! I've got somethin' for ya, too."

"Welcome home... and what'd you get?" Yusei greeted, looking up from where he was quite comfortably settled into the couch - he had the seal in front of him and was hugging it while being nestled in blankets and scrolling on his tablet, watching some new tech reveal videos he hadn't had the time to watch until then. It'd decided to rain that day so it was relatively cold in the house, which was why he was there in the first place.

He would've preferred to be in bed, to be honest, but he couldn't be bothered to move after Judai'd basically wrapped him up in a blanket burrito and sat him on the couch to hang-out and relax while he went out to a meeting for work (Phoenix had been nice enough to send someone to pick him up because of the rain, so that was good). That'd been a few hours ago, and he was especially warm now even if he'd been forced to let the blankets fall off a little bit so that he could free his arms and watch his videos, so he really didn't want to move.

"A classic snack that I think you'll enjoy," Judai replied, humming and smiling excitedly in such a way that Yusei could already tell he was up to something. However, it seemed like it wouldn't end up too bad for either of them based off how he was acting, so at least he had that going for him.

Before that though, Yusei had the bright idea to capitalize on being lazy for once, so he held up a hand to get his attention, "First, though, you want to carry me upstairs? It's warm and I don't want to move, but I'd rather be in bed now that you're back."

"What, you saying I take up a lot of room?" Judai teased, complying right away though and lifting him up, blankets, seal and all with no hesitation, "I don't mind, though. The bed sounds comfy and you're being dangerously cute right now."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Yusei sighed, holding on as best he could with his arms full - all he really could do was lean his weight towards Judai, though, so that's what he did. At least he didn't have to worry about Judai dropping him on accident.

"It means that those glasses, you, and that seal are a deadly combination," Judai stated, carefully dropping him on the bed before sitting down next to him and taking his bag off his back, "I'm gonna die of cuteness if you keep this up, dear."

"Ha ha," Yusei laughed sarcastically, readjusting himself and scooting back to lie down and rest his head on the pillows, "Anyway, what'd you get?"

Judai dug through his bag until he found what he was looking for, holding it up to him with a wide grin, "Pocky! Basically, it's thin bread sticks that've been dipped in chocolate."

"I've seen those around a lot, but I never actually tried them," Yusei admitted, sitting up and letting the blankets loosen significantly enough that he could move however he wanted now that he was interested, "I meant to though... just always forgot or was busy when I remembered them though."

"Well, now you get to try them," Judai said, holding out the box for him to take one now that he'd opened it, "Each one's got a little uncovered portion at the end for you to hold it at so you don't get chocolate on your fingers, but it's more useful if it's hot and the chocolate is melt-y."

"Smart design choice," Yusei replied, taking a bit off the stick with a satisfying little 'snap' sound, "Tastes good, too. I can see why it's considered a classic."

"There's a game called the Pocky Game, too, though I doubt you've heard of it," Judai started, going on to explain, "It's kinda the main reason I got them, 'cause we can actually play it together... basically, each person puts one end of a Pocky stick in their mouth and sees who can eat it the fastest."

Yusei stared blankly at him for a moment before raising an eyebrow, "Doesn't that just result in a kiss?"

"Yup! That's the Pocky Game for you. Now, you, me, let's play right now," Judai replied unashamedly, pulling out another stick from the box and popping one end into his mouth, afterwards gesturing for him to come over with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Y'know what? Okay, but I'm definitely going to eat more of it than you," Yusei challenged, finding the whole idea a little ridiculous but still appreciating the novelty of it and perfectly willing to participate in anything where he'd get to kiss Judai; if he could win at something too against him, then that was even better, even if it was at something like this.

It was... a little more embarrassing in that first moment than he thought it would be when he put the other end in his mouth, what with the anticipation and being so close to each other, but it went away pretty quickly once they finally started the game. Judai practically snapped off his half of the stick somehow in one go, rushing in before he could do anything and stealing part of the remaining bit, pressing their lips together firmly in the process.

They let it get a little deeper, tongues flicking out every once in a while to tease the other by brushing against their lip, before finally pulling apart. For a few seconds they simply stared at each other before they both grinned and broke out into laughter.

"I win!" Judai cheered, letting out a little yelp when Yusei pulled him forward and off-balance in the process while snatching the box out of his hands.

"I wasn't ready, this time I'll beat you," Yusei huffed, pulling out another stick determinedly, "We go right when I take my hand off it, got it?"

"Oh ho, sure, I'm still gonna win though," Judai retorted, resting his hands on his knees and leaning in close, "This game is too fun to lose, and I've got a bunch more where that came from so we can play as much as we want to."

Yusei couldn't help but let out a little 'pft' sound, which Judai was quick to take advantage of and start the game, both of them breaking out into even more laughter afterwards - they had a fun afternoon just laughing at the silliness of it while still thoroughly enjoying quite a few kisses.

Neither of them could agree on who won the most, though, because they'd lost track somewhere in the middle.

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