Snow Angels

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It wasn't nearly as chaotic in the clearing as it had been when they were having the all-out snowball fight war, but it was still a bit hectic - there were roughly twelve materialized duel spirits running amok and having fun, chasing each other in the snow, building things with the snow, and various other things that they could think up. Thankfully Yusei had the bright idea to tell them that they weren't to go throwing too many snowballs, which they they listened to and made everything a lot easier to keep track of.

It was just easier overall to watch a bunch of duel monsters when there weren't flying projectiles everywhere that could end up hitting him and Judai (more-so him than Judai though, since Judai would almost instinctively block them with a solidified shadow). Plus, it meant that there would be less chance of an argument breaking out, which was always a good thing.

Yusei had witnessed an argument between Junk Synchron and Winged Kuriboh only once, though he couldn't remember for the life of him what it'd been about; all he needed to know was that it was something pretty minor that they'd simply gotten too fired up about, and that the aftermath was a nearly-destroyed couch that Judai only just barely managed to save before any damage was actually done. Before that moment he had not only not known how sharp a Kuriboh's claws actually were, nor that Synchron apparently had a little weapons compartment in his body.

So yes, no arguments was the preferable outcome for the day, and it was luckily looking to turn out to be like that. He and Judai watched from the sidelines on a bench for a little bit, sipping on the coffee and tea they'd each respectively brought and laughing whenever one of the fluffier monsters flopped into the snow only to pop out with a happy squeal and snow sticking to their fur.

"Come on," Judai eventually said, putting down his tea on the bench and standing up before turning around to hold a hand out to him with a smile, "Let's go join them! I wanna make snow angels."

Yusei hummed, putting down his own drink as well and taking the offered hand with a smile of his own, "Alright, but I don't actually know what those are."

"Don't worry, it's like... the simplest thing ever," Judai replied, leading him towards an area of the clearing that had relatively untouched snow still on the ground since it was off to the side of where most of their partners were playing, "Basically, you just lie down in the snow, move your arms and legs in an arc to make the 'angel', then stand back up to look at it."

"How do people think of these things?" Yusei muttered, an exasperated look taking over as he thought about it - it was ridiculous and pretty random, but he could see why it would be appealing to do.

Judai snickered at his reaction, letting gravity take over as he fell backwards into the snow, starting to do exactly what he'd said and moving his arms and legs back and forth, "Who knows? Now come on, get next me and make a snow version of yourself."

It took him a moment to process, but Yusei eventually realized what he'd said and hovered over him so he could see his amused smile, "Clever devil still, huh?"

"Only for my lovely angel," Judai grinned unabashedly, "Now don't make me get up and push you in the snow, Yus."

"I'm going, I'm going," Yusei chuckled, falling back about two feet away so that their arms wouldn't be in each other's way. The snow was a light cold on his back, which felt rather nice thanks to all the layers he was wearing - his whole back would be covered in snow after this, and his legs would probably be a bit colder than he'd like, but it was overall a good feeling. He quickly did the arcs to make the snow angel, feeling a little ridiculous at first but getting used to the motions quickly before finally laughing because it was pretty fun to do.

"Fun, right?" Judai asked, both of them turning their heads to look at each other.

"Yeah, more than I thought it would be," Yusei admitted, sharing a chuckle with him before asking, "So we just stand up now?"

"Yup, though be careful and try to put most of your weight on your feet when you can, otherwise you'll leave hand-prints and other dents in it," Judai advised, sitting up first to demonstrate - he didn't use his hands at all, relying purely on core strength to pull his upper half up into a sitting position before rolling onto his feet, so that's what Yusei did as well.

Thank the stars we kept up exercising as a morning routine, Yusei mused after, taking a deep breath as he stepped away to look at their creations (if one could really call them that).

"I guess they do look a bit like angels..." Yusei stated, tilting his head to the side as he studied them before nudging Judai playfully, "Mine's got bigger wings."

"Wha- hey! That's not fair, you've got longer arms than me!" Judai whined, pouting up at him and looking back and forth between him and their snow angels before shaking him back and forth by hugging his arm, "That's it, this arm is mine, which means that I have one of those wings and therefore bigger wings overall than you."

Yusei let out a bark of laughter at that, not expecting that kind of logic at all and breaking down into even more laughter when Judai took mock offense to him finding it funny. The banter lasted until they got pulled into a game of tag somehow by a few Blackwings and Sonic Chick, and even then the laughter kept up when Judai ended up tagging Yusei once with a quick kiss before running away as fast as he came.

At least he got his revenge when he was finally able to tag him later in the game, making sure his snow-covered gloves rubbed all over his face when he pulled him into a kiss as well before sprinting away - seeing Judai's cheeks turn red from the cold of it was adorable.

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