Holiday Recovery

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As it turned out, that blanket he'd gotten the two of them was positively evil because the next morning, neither of them felt any inclination to even attempt getting out of bed. It was nice and warm, and the weight pressing down on them just made it feel impossible to even think about trying to move and get rid of it, especially knowing that they'd just get blasted with cold air the second they did so.

"What were we even planning on doing today?" Judai mumbled, yawning slightly as he tiredly blinked up at Yusei - the other was wrapped around him and holding him close like a teddy bear, as usual, and it was a deadly combo when paired with the blanket. He didn't think he'd be getting up at all unless someone forced him too.

The pause of silence before Yusei answered was all Judai needed to know that the other's brain was functioning just about as well as his own, which was currently 'slow as molasses', "Weren't we going to visit someone?"

Another pause of silence ensued, both of them struggling to figure out who exactly that someone was, until Judai suddenly remembered first, "No, we weren't going to visit, Aki was going to visit us at Starlight Junktion."

"Don't we have to technically visit the place too?" Yusei sighed, arms tightening around him slightly as he adjusted himself just a little.

"Touche," Judai huffed, groping blindly behind him for his phone on the bedside table, "What time is it even...? I don't know about you, but I don't plan on getting up until we either absolutely have to get ready or one of us is starving."

"Oh good, we have the same plan then," Yusei laughed quietly, leaning a bit closer down to his ear before saying, "A little more to your left."

"Are you sure it's my left and not your left?" Judai teased, finally finding the phone after moving his hand to his own left, just like Yusei'd said, "Anyway... it's like, ten in the morning."

"I'm amazed the other two didn't wake us up with anything," Yusei agreed, feeling just as incredulous as him about the time considering they were normally up around eight, maybe nine if one of them is particularly tired or the other purposefully left them to get more sleep. If they weren't, they usually would hear a sharp sound or yell that had them up at those times anyways, so it was a weird realization to have that they'd either blocked out the calls or they'd never happened at all.

Then again, they themselves might still be asleep. Carly'd ended up staying over the night, not that any of them particularly minded of course seeing as it was Christmas, everyone was a bit tipsy from bringing out some... stronger drinks to celebrate after dinner, and Jack ended up staying at her place a couple days a week anyway.

"I'm not gonna complain about it, at least. We've got plenty of time to just sleep," Judai shrugged, putting his phone back in roughly the same spot before going back to reveling in the warmth and comfort surrounding him. It felt heavenly to just lay there and relax without having to worry about doing anything urgent, which he hadn't actually been able to do for a while due to the stress from the holidays.

Christmas may be his favorite time and holiday of the year, yes, and the stress from finding all the right presents and getting everything all decorated would always be there behind every action during it, but the fun from it all tended to outweigh it significantly and make the whole time enjoyable. Then, when it was all said and done, it was almost like he was decompressing and pushing all the stress right out of him by letting his mind blank out for a couple hours in blissful laziness in bed; this year was simply a million times better, however, because he had Yusei to share the entire process with, including the hours of laziness at the end.

He was so comfortable that he wasn't going to move anymore, even to just to lift his head up and pull himself up just a little bit so he could kiss the other like he wanted to in his head. Lucky for him, though, it seemed Yusei had a similar thought, but had just the right amount of energy left in him to actually pull him up in his arms so their heads were at the same level, and they had what was probably the most tired, lazy morning kiss they'd ever had in their life.

They both ended up chuckling afterwards before kissing again, lips more so just brushing rather than pressing together, almost like they were teasing each other. Judai could feel the tingle on his lips and couldn't resist pressing just a little harder, tongue darting out for just a moment to swipe against the other's bottom lip, pulling a tiny little noise out of Yusei that left him grinning and laughing quietly in satisfaction.

"I love you," Judai breathed, burying his face partially into his neck and shoulder and adjusting himself so he had a grip on the front of Yusei's shirt and an arm on top of him.

"I love you too," Yusei replied, doing the same for him before adjusting himself to hug him better once more.

Their plan was a success, at least - they didn't get out of bed until Judai's stomach rang out loud and clear throughout the otherwise peacefully quiet room, and they both burst out into laughter when it happened.

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