Package Retrieval

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There were... a lot more gifts to pick-up at the post office than they'd expected, and they all sort-of stared at the lady at the desk as she happily went into the backroom to start bringing them all out.

"...Some of these have to be from our friends who're in a different city or out of the country," Crow decided, tapping the counter restlessly much to Jack's annoyance. He got his hand swatted at, but he ended up going right back to tapping after a little playful glare-off.

"So? Just means that we've got more presents, I'm not complaining," Jack stated, going to swat Crow's hand again after a moment and frowning when he got dodged, "Stop that."

"You stop that," Crow muttered back, biting back a very obvious grin when he dodged yet another pass, "Then again, you can't even hit your mark."

"I hit it the first time!"

"But never again after that- ooh, another miss!"

"Guys, it is eight in the morning," Yusei grumbled, leaning on a highly amused Judai and letting out a yawn. He was more than glad that Judai'd insisted on getting him some coffee to bring with them on the way there since it was warming his hands and slowly waking him up - he still felt wiped after that party yesterday and the drink was practically heaven to him right now. When the caffeine eventually started to kick in, he'd feel even better.

Judai apparently felt the need to poke him in the cheek the next time he yawned, though, giving him a cute little twisted grin before he asked, "Still not awake?"

Yusei simply shook his head in reply, feeling a little pang of annoyance flare up at the poke before it quickly dissipated into tiredness again. He did get back at him though by leaning far more heavily onto Judai than before, the other letting out a little squeak at the sudden weight.

It took another minute or so, but soon enough the lady came back out with a box piled with presents, telling them to give her a minute to bring out the rest. After a few trips, there were a total of four boxes, all of them filled with gifts and various other colorful boxes. It was a bit surprising (they hadn't had nearly this many last Christmas, after all, but then again they'd celebrated it last year almost like an afterthought), though mainly because all four of them had set up separate mail boxes for... fan mail and such. They made public the other one, then only gave out the private stuff to people they actually knew, which meant that all of this was from their friends and such.

It was... a nice feeling. Admittedly Yusei had felt a little... sad? Upset? About everyone moving away from each other as their lives continued, but it was something he usually didn't give the time of day to think about. He had a lot of other people that were still here, and he still messaged with others who weren't like Aki and the twins, but it was still nice to get physical reminders that everyone hadn't forgotten about each other despite the distance and time apart.

"There we go!" The lady chirped, pointing to each box in turn, "Four piles, one for each of you. You guys must have a lot of friends out there, thanks for the workout."

"No problem, that must be one sure-fire way to wake up in the morning," Judai laughed, picking up his own alongside the rest of them. Yusei ended up blanking for a moment on what to do with his coffee (he blamed the caffeine for not kicking in yet) before Judai gently took it and put it in his box of boxes snugly in the corner so it wouldn't fall. He'd probably have said thanks if Judai hadn't been practically smirking the whole time, clearly enjoying how tired he was; as it was he gave him a look that must've been pretty good considering the way the other broke down into snickers afterwards.

"Alright, time for obstacle number two - getting through the door," Crow stated before turning to the post office lady, "Thanks! Happy Holidays!" The rest of them echoed the sentiment, unable to wave back to her as they fit through the door one-by-one and caused the bell on top of it to spasm quite a bit as they kept pushing the door while trying not to lose their grip on the boxes.

"We did it!" Judai cheered, Crow letting out a little cheer of his own.

Jack went to kick Crow lightly in the shin but was dodged once again, though this time the glare he got in return was a lot more pout-y, "Jack, I swear, if you make me drop these..."

"Then don't drop them," Jack smirked, going for another light kick before slipping a little and barely managing to catch himself without anything falling - it was pretty close though, and Yusei could see a shadow in the corner of his eye that meant Judai was fully ready to make sure nothing bad happened just in case.

"Careful, there's black ice around some parts of here," Yusei warned, though he chuckled right alongside Judai at the irony of the situation; Crow, on the other hand, was full on laughing his ass off at it while Jack practically growled at him in embarrassment.

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