Bucket List

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"Y'know what we should do?" Judai started one day, looking up at Yusei from where he was currently lying in his lap - it was a non-class day for Yusei and they were fully enjoying lazing about in bed still despite it being almost noon. After getting a light hum from Yusei in response, he continued, "We should make a list of all the stuff we've been meaning to do, 'specially now that we have the time for it. I don't know about you but I've forgotten like... half of it already."

"We can do that," Yusei agreed, tapping a few times on his phone to pull up a note app he could use and hovering it in front of Judai's face so he could see, "I've forgotten most of it too, so it can just be a bucket list of things. Start me off with a few, we'll see if we remember any as we go."

"Well, I remember we've been meaning to go to the arcade again. We kinda stopped doing it when things got hectic over the summer and we never went back," Judai said, closing his eyes in thought as he listened to Yusei type the suggestion into the list, "We promised a lot of duel spirits duels, so we'll have to do that at some point relatively soon. Uh... you got anything?"

"Changing out the decorations," Yusei added, pausing to look down at him with an amused grin, "You're the one that was going on about that yesterday, did you forget already?"

"Oh hush, I'd remember the second I went downstairs and saw the 'Happy Halloween' banner across the living room," Judai glared playfully, pouting a little before pursing his lips in thought again, "Well, I've got a few new things, I guess."

"New things are good," Yusei smiled encouragingly, prompting him to continue.

"Okay, then add the zoo and the aquarium to the list," Judai said, tapping lightly at the back of the phone idly in amusement, "I figured it'd be fun to go see all the animals and sea life. You ever been to either of those?"

"I had to go to an aquarium for some sort of big event, but I didn't actually see much of it... there was a separate event hall area for it in a connected building, and that ended up being where I was for the short amount of time I was required to be there," Yusei replied, "Sounds fun, though - good idea, Judai. Anything else?"

"Not really... which sucks because I know there was more than this that we'd thought of," Judai sighed, "Oh well, I guess from now on whenever we think of something we can just pop it onto the list and look at it later."

"True enough. I'm adding VR on there though, now that I think about it."

"Oh yeah, that'll work. I still want to finish unlocking as many of those guild hall decorations as soon as possible - speaking of which, wasn't there a new seasonal set that came out or something?"

"It's got a bunch of leaf-patterned everything, from carpets to wallpapers to furniture," Yusei shrugged, not appearing to know the rewards very well, which Judai expected from him given the fact that he didn't play for that kind of stuff like Judai did and was just along for the ride most of the time, "I do want to maybe try out a few of the other games you said you'd been playing, like the one that got you to want to bring me flying that first time. You said it had air combat?"

"Yup, that's the one!" Judai confirmed, sitting up suddenly from his lap so he could turn and wrap his arms around him instead, "I remember that conversation very well, Mr. I'm-Made-Of-Gold."

"It was for not even thirty seconds," Yusei grumbled, face heating up a little at the reminder that he'd told him that story and promptly gotten embarrassed to hell and back about it, "I guess I'll add flying now, too."

"Make sure to tag it with 'actual' flying," Judai teased more, though this one did the opposite of last time and pulled a laugh out of Yusei instead.

"I think I'm almost ready for it, just a few more nights of practice and then I'll be able to try it for real," Yusei smiled, putting his phone off to the side for a moment so he could return the hug easier, "See, filling up the list will be easy, guaranteed."

"I guess you're right about that," Judai blinked, pulling back for a moment to give him a quick peck on the lips and a quirked grin, "There's one other thing I guess I could add to it, though I was kinda hoping to make it a surprise. It might not work that way though, so... why not?"

"...I feel like I should be very worried now," Yusei stated, raising an eyebrow at him and tilting his head in question, "What's the suggestion?"

"I wanna see you in a dress, purely because you getting the title 'Queen' made me think about it," Judai admitted, snickering at the way Yusei had frozen staring at him, taking a moment to be able to fully process the words, "Aw don't worry, I'll get one too just so you don't feel left out, and we'll stay here in the room for the entire duration, obviously. I just figured that it'd be easier overall if I told you about it though because then you can help me pick one out - a willing subject is significantly easier to work with and far more fun, after all."

Yusei let out a deep sigh of exasperation once he'd finally broken out of his little daze, sending him a look crossed between wanting to hug him and wanting to smack him, but he picked up his phone and typed in 'dresses' to the list regardless so Judai considered it a victory. At least he got to see Yusei get all flustered and cute when he pulled out his sketchbook immediately after and showed him the drawings he'd made of him wearing all sorts of different dresses.

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