Tech Issues

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Yusei cursing was not exactly an uncommon occurrence, but it happened little enough that anytime it came out of the blue was surprising for Judai - casual drops in conversation didn't phase him, but right now he was getting ready to go to work and Yusei had suddenly started muttering up a storm of expletives under his breath. The last time he had heard him swear so much was when they'd been trying to get the stupid program to get rid of the reactor's excess duel energy to work, so it had to have been something pretty frustrating.

"You uh... doin' okay over there?" Judai carefully asked, raising his eyebrows slowly when Yusei let out a groan and feel back onto the bed in an uncharacteristically dramatic fashion, "...I'm gonna take that as a 'no', then."

"My laptop has apparently decided to start freezing randomly," Yusei explained, sighing heavily with his hands over his face, "It happened twice last night when I was using it, but those were only for like, thirty seconds. This time it's been three minutes already and it's still stuck."

"That sucks," Judai winced, thinking about just how important that laptop was to him. Yusei used that thing heavily all day every day for the most part, so having it suddenly start to fail on him was probably the emotional equivalent to the world ending, "How long have you had it for?"

"How long...? Well, I've had the physical unit for roughly five years, but once we all got settled in the city I dug into it and upgraded most of the parts," Yusei replied, pinching the bridge of his nose now with a frown, "It shouldn't be freezing like this at all."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Judai reassured him, coming over and sitting on the side of the bed next to him so he could lightly scratch his fingers through the other's hair, "And look at it this way - if worse comes to worst, you just get a new laptop. I know you back up all your stuff as you make it, so it's not like it's lost or anything."

"Yeah, but I don't want to need a new one in the first place," he muttered, leaning into his hand and moving his hands down a little so he could look at him, "Getting used to a new one would take a while, even if everything is set-up in the exact same way."

"Well, at least now you know what you'll be doing today while I'm gone," Judai chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead with a smile, "Try not to let it get you too frustrated, though."

"Isn't that always the goal with these types of things?" Yusei mused, a smile finally gracing his face as he looked up at him, "I'll definitely try, but the same goes to you today as well - you don't want a repeat of the spinach incident, do you?"

"I swear I'm gonna kill Phoenix, he told you about that?" Judai pouted, lying down next to him now and just letting the feeling of embarrassment soak in, "Okay, to be absolutely fair, it was the third time the dude had used lettuce instead of spinach. It's not that fuckin' hard to tell them apart, damn it. So what if he was a volunteer and not an actual cook? It's telling the difference between lettuce and spinach."

"I know, but it's still hilarious," Yusei snickered, poking him lazily in the cheek with a grin, "Poor guy is never going to forget the difference after the lecture you gave him."

"I don't wanna talk about work when I have to leave to work in twenty minutes," Judai complained, rolling so he was on top of Yusei and squishing him - Yusei let out a huff at the weight, suddenly having to breath deeper in order to get in the same amount of air.

"You're heavy for being so skinny," Yusei managed to breathe out, laughing when Judai gave him a playful glare in return, "Kidding, kidding."

"You better be, you know my weight - I'm perfectly healthy for my height!"

"Yeah, but only just barely, otherwise you'd be in the underweight category - also can you please get off? Your elbow's digging into me, it's starting to hurt."

Judai got off with a sheepish smile, sitting back up next to him quickly, "Oops, sorry. Anyway, that's semantics - all that matters is that I'm healthy!"

"That's true," Yusei agreed, sitting up as a well and pulling him into a side hug that Judai was more than happy to lean into, "I'd be far more worried, otherwise. You eat a lot 'cause of your duel spirit side, but that also mean's you're more at risk for under-eating than anything else."

"I never actually thought of it that way before... it makes perfect sense, though," Judai said, moving around a bit so he could be more in his lap and lean back into him, "Enough of that, though - I demand cuddles and kisses before I somewhat willingly walk into the hell that is a very busy kitchen."

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