Feeling Batty

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The Halloween aura item ended up being a bat trail, where a bunch of clean little bat symbols would trail out behind them while they walked - they were animated in such a way that it looked more like the way a bat would move than just random particle movements, so it was pretty cool overall. It didn't interfere much with the rest of their equips because it only activated when they walked, plus even though it had a glow effect, it still was pretty light.

"Well, we got the cool aura, so I'd say it's time to log-off and get some food," Judai decided, stopping from how he was pulling Yusei in circles just so he could look at the bats come out from behind them - it was a little addicting to watch for some reason and he kind-of wished it had an idle animation as well.

With everything they did in order to get it, you'd think that it would have one... then again, they'd managed to clear the quests to get it in the span of four hours more-or-less, so he supposed it wasn't really too 'rare' of an item besides being an event-only one; compared to their starry aura rings and their main outfits, which were a result of a very long chain quest and quite a bit of time dueling in the arena, it was really short and easy pickings.

"I agree... and the best part of this is still getting to blow up the cave," Yusei firmly stated - he'd been in quite the happy mood ever since then, so it didn't surprise Judai in the slightest. He couldn't help but agree though, because honestly that was a literal nightmare cave from hell and he'd seen quite a range of messed-up shit in his life.

Once their headsets were both off, they both shook their hair out at the same time, making them look at each and chuckle at the other's hair.

"It doesn't even cover the whole head, why does it look like we have helmet hair?" Judai asked, laughing as he reached up and did his best to flatten some of Yusei's mussed-up spikes, "Hell, your hair doesn't look this messy even after you take off your actual helmet."

"The world may never know," Yusei mused, grabbing his hands and pulling them down with an amused smile on his face, "I feel like you're just messing it up more, though."

"I would never do such a thing," Judai grinned, scooting forward and freeing his hands so he could fall forward into a hug with him instead. Yusei was warm since they'd covered themselves with a light blanket to get comfortable before they logged-in to play and he was just so nice to hold...

Yusei wrapped his arms around him with a disbelieving hum to his statement, though no more words were exchanged between them for a while as they just enjoyed the moment, feeling perfectly comfortable and content with life. The sun shone lightly through the window curtains, and the windows themselves were left slightly open to let in fresh air, which meant that the sound of the city filtered in just ever-so-slightly louder than usual.

It was relaxing enough that Judai swore he was starting to doze off, actually, and while he'd normally be happy to do just that, especially like this, his stomach was also begging for food because it was late lunch time and they hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"Let's go eat," Judai said, voice muffled since he couldn't find the strength to lift his head up from Yusei's shoulder. He could practically feel the raised eyebrows Yusei was surely giving him as he felt the other's head shift down to look towards him,

"...I can't get up unless you get up first, y'know," Yusei muttered after a minute, sounding very entertained from the tone of it. He retaliated by simply squeezing his arms around him tighter, which earned him a small huff of amusement and a tighter hug as well.

"Food time."


"I'm hungry... so hungry... but you're so hug-able..."

"Alright, you asked for it."

Suddenly hands were under his shirt and brushing right at the right spots on his sides to tickle him, causing Judai to pull back almost immediately and attempt to swat the offending hands away, squeaking out, "Yusei-! Okay okay, I'm up!"

"That's what I thought," Yusei grinned, quickly stopping and getting up before Judai could even think about latching back onto him, "Come on, we'll get food and if you're still in the mood for a nap we can take one."

"Okay," Judai quietly agreed, smiling back at him before realizing as they walked down the stairs, "Hey wait, how'd you know I wanted a nap?"

"You wouldn't be that conflicted about getting up for food unless it was either for work or if you didn't want to move," Yusei explained with a snort, making him pout at how true it was.

Later though, as Judai stood scooping out leftovers into bowls to re-heat in the microwave, Yusei promptly hugged him from behind and sagged his weight on him, which Judai was quick to use to his advantage and tease him about clearly just wanting to nap as well. At least he didn't try to deny it all, even if he made the process of getting their food ready take twice as long.

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