Revenge Calls

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Judai had a lot of things he needed to get done - well, could get done, not necessarily needed in some cases. He needed to go back to the castle and figure out how it was running and do a lot of maintenance, and he needed to go set up some more wards and alerts in some places, but other than that, things like practicing his baking skills and doing hobbies weren't time sensitive.

Thus, he was very, very bored, because he wanted to explore his land with Yusei first before really going through and figuring out the situation with that and the wards would take maybe half a day to do, so he was procrastinating on it. He really just wanted to hang out with Yusei and goof off more than anything else, but of course, the other had work to get done and he didn't want to make him stress out by insisting that they hang out.

For whatever reason, his usual activities just weren't appealing that day and he had a restless sort of energy that he couldn't figure out how to get out of his system. So, in light of this, instead of complaining to Yusei, he complained to Carly.

HERO: im boredddddd

HERO: help me pls

Glasses Girl: Didn't you say you were going to practice your dessert skills? What happened to that?

Judai would never cease to find it amusing that Carly typed proper sentences when texting, mainly as a result of constantly writing professional articles. She'd stated that it was also so she didn't fall into any bad habits and start messing up on accident when having to write said articles as well.

HERO: not feelin it

Glasses Girl: What about DDO? You guys have been playing that less and less recently, y'know. I'd get a good article out of you guys doing something in that again.

It wasn't that they didn't want to play, either... it was just that with Judai having duties that he was starting to have to upkeep once again and Yusei having to work overtime to try and solve the reactor issue, they didn't have the time for it; when they did have the time, though, they spent it doing other things that were far more appealing to them at the moment due to being tired. They mostly just logged in nowadays to play a duel or two before running off to a nice, isolated section of the world to hang out and enjoy the view.

HERO: dont worry, we still do the major events at least, so youll probably get one soon

HERO: anyway, how was yesterday for you? didnt you go to the festival with jack?

Glasses Girl: oh my god AHHHHHH THAT'S RIGHT

Carly was using improper grammar? Judai was very interesting to hear about what'd happened now, though from her reaction he was pretty sure he could come up with a very educated guess.

Glasses Girl: HE FINALLY DID IT WE'RE DATING!!! He was so embarrassed too, it was great! Stupid man thought I didn't know he was avoiding me for a while there, I'm not an ace reporter for nothing.

HERO: good for you guys! does this mean i can finally tease him about it?

HERO: he didnt tell us a thing yet, but then its barely been a day since it happened last night so i guess that makes sense

Glasses Girl: I'd wait for him to tell you, but if he doesn't do it by the end of the week it's free game. At that point I'd start teasing him about it, too.

"Oh Yusei!~" Judai sang happily, standing up quickly from the couch and giving the other a shit-eating grin when he looked up from the paper he was reading over, "Our time for revenge has arrived, dear!"

Yusei immediately perked up at that, putting the paper down and turning fully to look at him with a curious hum, "Oh really? On who?"

"Jack," Judai stated, putting the phone away after double-checking it and seeing a message from Carly saying that she had to go, "He finally got together with Carly last night during the festival. I've been given express permission to do my worst if he doesn't tell us by the end of the week."

"Knowing him, we'll get our chance then," Yusei replied, a mischievous glint entering his eyes as they narrowed to share a playful look with him, "What're we going to do?"

"Not sure yet. We need to plan," Judai said, pursing his lips as he thought about it before shrugging with a grin, "We've got 'til the end of the week, we're good on time."

"True," Yusei agreed, glancing back at his papers before turning back to him with a considering look, "For now though, while you're here, could you help me with something? It'll make this go a lot faster. Only if you're not busy, of course."

"I was actually getting really bored," Judai admitted, excited that he could actually help Yusei out a bit and take some of the burden off his shoulders for a little, "I'd love to help, just tell me what to do."

And so he was tasked with turning on his ability to see duel energy and telling and showing him the paths and behaviors it took up when going between two machines he had with different settings, because it was much faster than it would be if Yusei had to figure it out solely from the data collected. He ended up helping him the rest of the day, too, and Judai couldn't help but offer to help him out in any way he needed the next few days as well while they ate dinner.

The sooner Yusei finished, the sooner he'd be able to drag him with him to the castle, after all. Plus, it'd be a good way of making the time pass faster while waiting for Jack's time limit to run out, and it'd be nice because even though it was work, Judai would ultimately still be getting to spend all that time with Yusei.

He would never not love spending time with Yusei, and to his relief, him being at his side and helping seemed to ease some of the stress Yusei always seemed to have whenever it came to work and his colleagues.

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