Peaceful Sleep

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Since all Yusei was doing involved typing up word documents explaining what he was doing, alongside drafting out a long-winded e-mail that would essentially boil down to 'Let me do this thing and then forget this whole thing even happened, please', he finally made good on a promise he'd made to himself a while ago and worked on the couch instead of at the desk.

Judai was very happy to say the least, and was quick to situate himself in a comfortable position to both hug him while being able to use his phone. In fact, he was so content that he'd somehow managed to fall asleep despite the fact that Yusei knew both of them were anything but tired that day - his phone had fallen out of his hand onto his stomach, his head had slumped further into Yusei's lap, and Pharaoh joined him in being lazy by curling up and falling asleep on his feet.

Very slowly, Yusei fished his phone out of his pocket and took a couple pictures before deciding to just leave the phone out so it wasn't digging into his hip anymore. With a little sigh, he smiled softly down at the other, taking a few moment to lightly thread his fingers through his hair and just take in his sleeping face.

It was, somehow, even more peaceful than usual. Yusei very vividly remembered looking at him half a year ago and being relieved to see a peaceful look on him, but now he could see that even back then it was tinted with a bit of stress and tiredness. Now the little bits of tiredness, like the marks under his eyes and the ever-so-slight tenseness to his brow, were mostly gone and it made him seem more alive than before.

It made him happy. Based off everything Judai had told him, he could only assume that the reason for the change was because the other finally felt secure enough somewhere to not only stay for a long period of time, but to also call home. The other may not have said it outright, but Yusei could connect the dots together after awhile and... Judai hadn't had a place he thought of as 'home' for years, it seemed. The dorms clearly didn't count, he'd told him about his parents being gone for most of his life and the empty house that resulted because of it, and he'd traveled non-stop for years barring the few months he'd spent with Yugi.

Judai mumbled a little, turning slightly but calming back down easily enough when Yusei softly brushed a bit of hair behind his ears. He went back to working once he was sure the other was still fast asleep, though he was a bit distracted by some of the ideas popping into his head all of a sudden about what to do for Judai's birthday.

It was soon, after all - he hadn't forgotten that it was August thirty-first, and to be honest, he was actually pretty sure Judai was as reserved about birthdays as he was. He seemed to be the type that would enjoy a huge party with all his friends, but he knew the real Judai, and the real Judai was a lot more down-to-earth and didn't do well with having to socialize with large amounts of people for a long time, even if they were all good friends of his. It was something they shared, and they couldn't do anything to help it beyond slipping out unnoticed somehow for a few minutes to recharge, but even that was difficult to find an opportunity to do.

For now though, he'd worry about what to get him as a present. Yusei didn't think it would be very hard to do - Judai had a lot of different hobbies, after all, and he could find things he could get him for just about any of them - but he wanted it to stand out somehow.

I wonder how he'd react if I bought flowers for him, Yusei mused to himself, taking another glance down at his sleeping boyfriend, He'd probably get a little embarrassed, then say something about how it'd be 'perfect to put in so-and-so place' to add color.

Which, to be fair, was a very valid point when one took a look around the apartment. There weren't exactly any pictures on the walls, everything was some sort of brown, tan, or grey, and the only things that really stood out colorfully were the stuffed plushies on the couch and the kitchen, since it was filled with eye-catching food products and various colored towels and cooking utensils.

...Hmm, maybe he was onto something with that line of thinking. Nodding to himself, he made a note for later on one of his many text file reminders he kept on his desktop - it wouldn't do to forget was he was thinking about if he thought it had the potential to become his future plan.

Before he went back to work, he leaned down and stole a quick kiss from Judai, chuckling a bit in amusement about the sub-conscious way Judai smiled a tiny bit in response before digging further into his lap.

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