Presents for Two

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Figuring out presents for all their friends had luckily been pretty easy, but Judai was having quite the opposite experience when it came to finding a present for Yusei. He knew what he liked, but none of it felt... right? He felt like it needed to be special somehow, yet every time he thought that he grew a little more uneasy.

He caught himself frowning before Yusei could notice from where they were working together on said presents for friends. Yusei had finally finished with his finals, and after sleeping-in for as long as they wanted that morning after to celebrate they had gotten almost straight to work on it. Judai had bought all the jars they needed while Yusei'd been busy, making sure to buy a few extra just in case one broke or something, and he'd finally decided on a design - he just needed to personalize it now for whatever recipe they decided on, which they'd narrowed down to two choices at this point.

Am I overthinking this? Judai asked, slowly realizing just how worried he was getting over figuring out Yusei's present. It couldn't be a good thing to be stressing out this much over it, right? But it also shouldn't be that hard to figure out...?

"Judai, dear, have you thought about just asking him what he wants?" Yubel replied, letting out a little exasperated sigh as she did so. Clearly this was something obvious he was missing, then.

Isn't it supposed to be like, a surprise though? He countered, though he still took Yubel's words to heart and mulled over them. It still felt counter-intuitive to ask him what he wanted, since then there wasn't much surprise to whatever he ended up getting him, but he could see how it would make it easier.

"Well, think of it like this," Yubel started, going into one of her oddly serious tones for a moment, "You either stress out and worry about it, or you ask and know for sure what he'd want. He might not even want a present like the kind you're thinking of - it's simpler than you're making it, at the very least."

There wasn't much Judai could say to that - she wasn't wrong in any regards, and hell, maybe he was just too caught up on the whole 'surprise' part of it. Now that he thought about it, didn't it matter more that Yusei liked the present than that he was surprised by it?

Priorities really mattered here, and he wasn't thinking about them at all.

Thanks, I needed that, Judai sighed internally, making sure to send his gratitude through before leaning over on Yusei to get his attention. He watched and waited for him to finish what he was doing at the moment before actually speaking up, though.

"Hey, Yus?" He asked, continuing when Yusei turned to look at him questioningly, "What do you even want for Christmas anyway?"

The blink of surprise he got in return was all he really needed to see to know that Yusei hadn't even thought about it yet, which honestly wasn't surprising in the least to Judai - Yusei wasn't really the type to think about what he'd like as presents since he never really expected presents in the first place, for anything. It made him feel a lot better about asking actually since it would get the other thinking about what he wanted, and that was half the battle won then, because even if Yusei said he was fine with anything now he'd probably be more specific later after some more mulling over the topic.

"I'm not... really sure," Yusei eventually replied, tilting his head just a little bit in that cute way Judai loved before tentatively continuing, "Honestly though? I think... I think I'd like something we could either do or use together. Is that weird?"

Okay, never mind, Yusei had surprised the crap out of him with that one. He hadn't been expecting that of all answers, especially not so immediately after being asked, but he couldn't deny that the idea brought a smile to his face and made his heart swell with love and fondness for him.

"That's not weird at all! I actually really like that idea, to be honest," Judai quickly assured, wrapping him in a hug and looking up at him with a happy, quirked grin, "If that's what you want, then I'm gonna find the best goddamn presents for it!"

Yusei caught him in a kiss, looking a little relieved afterwards with the smile he gave him in return, "Should I do the same for you?"

"Yeah, like I said - I really like the idea of getting presents for each other that we can both use together," Judai stated, mind already spawning a few present ideas right off the bat - it was so much easier to figure out something with this as the guideline instead. He was so glad he'd asked Yubel for advice now.

"I see that look on your face, don't go too overboard..."

Judai smiled sheepishly at him, and Yusei just sighed playfully before leaning down for another, much longer-lasting kiss.

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