Feeling at Home

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Considering it had been almost one o'clock in the morning when Yusei took the potion, he'd get the chance to fall asleep with Judai petting his ears twice instead of once like when it'd been Judai's turn; then again, if Yusei was counting the nap they took that afternoon, then it was technically three times that he'd get to.

Once they were all settled in bed for the night (relatively early, as it had been a lazy day and those always seemed to be tiring somehow despite doing nothing all day), Yusei hummed contently and buried his head into Judai's shoulder. He was getting to be the one curling up to the other's side for once yet again and he found that he was really starting to like the feel of it.

"So there was one mishap, but other than that it was nice, right?" Judai asked, keeping quiet so as to not disturb the peaceful night silence too much, which Yusei appreciated. His hearing was still better than normal, after all, and while during the day talking at normal volumes wasn't too bad to deal with thanks to the white noise of the city being pretty loud to begin with, at night it was a different story.

"It was," Yusei agreed, "I can see why you were so adamant about making me try it, now."

"Would you want to do it again?"

"...Probably on a day where it's just us, preferably."

"So that's a yes, then," Judai laughed softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, "Maybe next time we should swap and see if there's any differences we can feel."

"I don't think a fox really fits me, though," Yusei replied, smiling to himself as he buried his head further into the other's shoulder, "Wasn't matching what fits us the point of this in the first place?"

"Nah, it was originally just figuring out what the hell kind of potion the Aromages had given me. For you it was matching, though," Judai stated, and Yusei felt him shrug lightly under his head, "I think it'd be fun to try switching, or maybe trying something else. While I was there the other day they showed me a couple other things in the back that they didn't tell us about before because they wanted the potion they slipped me to be a surprise."

"Tell me about it later, I don't know if I'll remember it right now," Yusei mumbled in response, starting to feel the edges of sleep come on - he'd much rather just go over it once later than make Judai have to tell him multiple times.

"Alright, that'll work," Judai said, adjusting his grip a bit before going back to stroking his ears and hair, "I had another thing I wanted to ask you about but it can wait too."

"Well, do I have to remember it? If I don't, then ask away," Yusei replied, letting out a little yawn that he couldn't stop.

It was silent for a few moments, Judai clearly thinking about it before he came to a conclusion, "I guess you don't have to, it's just an idea for now and not something that'll happen too soon, I think. It's just, you know how Crow's been applying for the pro leagues? And Jack's hanging out with Carly a lot more?"

Yusei hummed in confirmation, wondering where he was going with this - everyone was finally starting to settle in and find their place and what they wanted to do, which was a good thing and something he was happy to see after all the shit they went through to have the chance for it.

"Well... I wouldn't be surprised if it's just us two here eventually," Judai continued, resting his chin on his head and sighing ever-so-slightly, "And at that point, I was wondering how you felt about getting a house somewhere? We'd have to plan it out, of course, and find a good place that's big enough for all your stuff but-"

"I'd love that," Yusei interrupted, pulling back a little so he could smile at him and give him a small kiss, "So don't worry about it, okay? Besides... there's no way I'd want to live in this apartment for too long when I have the chance to have an entire workshop."

Judai snorted at that, giving him a silly, happy smile in return and teasing, "Of course you wouldn't. Why do I get the feeling dragging you out of that place will be nearly impossible?"

"At least it'll all be one place unlike right now, where it's split between storage, the garage space we're allotted here and inside the apartment."

"Oh man, I think we should really be looking at buying land more than anything else now. We're going to need so much space for the stuff we do - your gadgets, both our duel spirits, my occasional random idea that ends up being a disaster."

"I think you're right," Yusei yawned, curling back into him and closing his eyes, "Well, we'll think about it more when it starts looking more like it'll happen..."

"Sleep well," Judai chuckled, "Love you."

"Love you too..." Yusei mumbled back, lured easily to sleep by the feel of fingers on his ears and the warmth surrounding him.

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