Devilish Debate

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They'd finished up their prank just in time to start making dinner together, which they eventually decided would be pasta since it was extremely easy and didn't take long to make, just in time for Crow and Jack to return home so they wouldn't know they'd done anything at all... Well, beyond the fact that Judai was currently under the potion's effects, which considering last time was a pretty big hint that they'd done something.

Still, dinner'd been as peaceful an affair as one can get when it involved all four of them, and they'd decided to retreat early to lock themselves in their room while the other two were on dish duty to do their part of helping the process; this way, when the first few stickers started to be found, they'd be safe to laugh freely and loudly from the confines of their room while the other two would inevitably start to pool together information and get exasperated beyond belief.

While they waited for that to go down though, they were cuddling on the bed, only about an hour left until the potion was set to wear off - Yusei was making the most out of the time left, holding Judai close in his arms with his head buried into his hair, lightly stroking the ears that were close to his face with one hand that snaked up from around his shoulders while the other kept Judai balanced in his lap, mainly because of the little bit of space that was needed between them in order to not squish his tail painfully. Judai was leaning back into him with light little hums of contentment every once in a while and, judging from the way his head seemed to dip to the side a tiny bit before suddenly fixing itself, was starting to doze off from all of the attention.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of this, Yusei thought, sighing softly into fluffy hair and ears under him and brightening at the way Judai seemed to lean even more into him upon feeling that burst of warmth from it. It was a novel concept to him still to be honest, much like how a lot of the more magical things in his life were, but he wouldn't trade them for the world - it made everything so much more interesting and added an extra element of surprise.

Plus, it was what brought him Judai, and having the love of his life was arguably the most important reason he didn't question anything like that nowadays.

"You feelin' better after today?" Judai asked quietly, voice tinted with tiredness as he turned his head a little upwards as if he could somehow look at him if he did, "You were super stressed out about the deadline, I could tell. Especially after the whole sleepin' thing."

"That obvious even afterwards, huh?" Yusei mused, chuckling as he mumbled back in reply, "Much better. It's hard to turn off my brain for a day usually, but this helped a lot. Thanks, you foxy devil."

"I'll proudly be a foxy devil if I can help out my sweet angel," Judai replied easily, not even a second of hesitation wasted to flirt back even while he was half-asleep. Yusei couldn't help but hug him tightly for that, almost literally squeezing a laugh out of him and a quick turn of the head to give him a peck on the cheek.

"I'm not nearly as angelic as you're making me out to be," Yusei stated lowly, suddenly flipping Judai around and under him so he was on top and hovering with a smirk, "Do I need to remind you of that?"

"Nah, but you're definitely more angelic than me," Judai smirked back, reaching up pulling him down roughly next to him before rolling on top of him partially to keep him there, "That's why you get to be the angel and I get to be the devil."

"You just want to be the one in the devil outfit 'cause you plan to let your wings out."

"That's very true, but you're also super cute and I've got you beat in the devilish part. Hell, look - I'm literally a mischievous fox right now, just for you~"

Yusei rolled his eyes, pulling him down into a kiss to stop the teasing and immediately pressing his tongue between his lips to catch him off-guard. That little moment gave him just enough time to also grab at his tail and stroke the base of it, which ended up giving him enough time to flip their position once again and catch Judai's hands in his; Judai's muffled noises of surprise quickly gave way to soft little gasps and sighs as the kiss roughened, lips feeling bruised as warm tongues fought with each other and brushed past lips and teeth.

And then, of course, came the angry yell they'd been expecting to happen and they broke apart, sharing a look before they burst out into laughter.

"We'll finish later," Yusei promised, whispering quietly into Judai's ear and licking the base of the fluff after since he knew how badly it'd affect him.

If it weren't for the fact they'd spent nearly all day working on this prank, he was sure Judai would've just flat-out ignored the yelling and pulled him back down for more with the little shiver he gave and the look he pinned him with in response.

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