Stomach Aches

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Both Judai and Yusei crashed and slept like a light Halloween night, but poor Yusei ended up being the one with issues in the end.

"You okay?" Judai yawned the next morning, letting Yusei push him away a bit and do whatever he needed to to feel better.

"No... it's my stomach," Yusei replied, wincing at the pain and shifting so that he way lying flat on his back, "Yeah, definitely my stomach. Must've been something from last night..."

"Well we did have a lot of sugar last night, it'd make sense if it were because of that," Judai noted, "Especially since you're not used to eating that much sugar at any one time."

"I have a lot of your desserts and baked goods though all the time, what the difference there?" Yusei wondered.

"Okay, sugar is one thing - I use tons of sugar in those things, but high fructose corn syrup and other such ingredients are even worse than sugar, and guess what those manufactured candies are literally full of?" Judai explained, sitting up with a stretch and another yawn before continuing, "Exactly those. If you're not used to it then eating too much will really kill your stomach, mainly because my homemade foods are way healthier than those little candies. Hell, I'm pretty sure the cotton candy we got was better than those candies."

"Makes sense," Yusei huffed lightly, actively wincing again in a way that made Judai sad he couldn't just hug him right now - he knew it'd do far more harm than good if he tried to hug him, even if he had the best intentions.

"Let's see, what time is it?" Judai mused, checking his phone real quick, "It's still early morning... if you want I'll go get you some lighter tea, does that sound good?" He leaned over the other and slowly, carefully brushed some of his hair out of his face so as to not cause too much sensation, just in case Yusei got hit with a wave of nausea - he just had to do something to try and help him, even if Judai knew how awful that nausea and having anyone touch him at all during it could be.

Luckily Yusei seemed to okay with it though, leaning his head gently into his hand and humming lightly with a nod as he closed his eyes, "Can you put just a little bit of honey?"

"Yeah, I can do that, that's easy," Judai chuckled, giving him a little smile and running his fingers through Yusei's hair for a bit longer before finally getting up, "Just stay here, close your eyes and try to rest a bit. I'll be right back."

"M'kay, thanks dear," Yusei mumbled, settling into the sheets again by himself as best he could at the moment. Judai had to pause and grin at the cute sight since it looked like he was close to being drowned by blankets.

When he got downstairs to the kitchen, Crow was already up and sitting at the table with a half-eaten plate of left-over dessert from the fridge, petting and paying attention to Pharaoh who was sitting up on the table so he could beg for food.

"Mornin'," Judai greeted, making sure his steps were loud enough to be heard as he walked in and made his way to the cabinets storing the mugs.

"Oh, mornin' Judai!" Crow replied, looking away from Pharaoh for only a split second before looking back at him like the cat would steal his breakfast if he wasn't careful; he wasn't wrong about that being a possibility, of course, but it was generally very rare for Pharaoh to actually steal food like that. He preferred people giving him attention and love as opposed to stealing food and getting chased away or anything like that.

"How was your Halloween? You never did tell us if you did anything besides get off work early," Judai asked, filling up a pot with water in the sink so he could boil it, "Also I'm making tea, did you want some? Yusei had way too much sugar last night and now his stomach is complaining about it."

"Ow, that's gotta suck. Sure though, I'll take some, thanks," Crow winced sympathetically, pausing for a moment in thought before answering his first question, "Yesterday I just dropped by that park you mentioned was having an event that was a few minutes away and had dinner and dessert there. I was pretty tired, but it was a nice way to still feel like I celebrated before I passed out in bed."

"Well, I'm glad you had a nice night then," Judai grinned, rustling through the fridge now for his own breakfast - he was pretty sure Yusei didn't want any food right now, just the tea, so he'd just get his own and eat it while he waited for the water to boil, "That's all that matters in the end, so mission success! Though if you want to 'celebrate' more, you could do us a favor and try to eat some of that candy in the pumpkin bucket out on the table in the living room - we got a lot last night, and I think it'll be easier if everyone just grabs one or two every time they pass by."

"Easily do-able, though Jack will complain if there's no coffee candies, which there never are so get ready for that," Crow laughed, "Speaking of Jack, he ended up staying at Carly's last night 'cause it was super late when they finally left and Carly wouldn't let him drive back half-asleep. In other words, Carly made him be responsible for once."

"Oh, did he? Well that explains why it was so quiet last night and this morning," Judai said, eventually deciding that he was feeling lazy and indulgent and pulling out a tub of ice cream from the freezer instead along with a spoon.

Crow gave him fist bump and a sagely nod of approval and understanding, digging back into his own dessert breakfast as well.

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