Card Placement

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When they all finally got home that night, they discovered that their mailbox had been filled with a bunch of letters and a note saying that they had a bunch of boxes to be picked up at the post-office - it would seem that the other's hadn't been lying when they said their gifts should arrive soon, and it was a little ironic that they'd all appeared on the same day as the party.

"Seems they got a few for us too," Crow mused, tilting his head curiously at the note - it'd listed all four of them as having packages to pick up once the post-office was open again. It was far too late at night for them to even have a chance of it being open.

"It's probably from Edo and/or Johan," Judai stated after thinking about it for a moment, pointing at Jack and Crow in turn, "They're the ones that have the most interaction with you guys, and I wouldn't put it past Johan at least to get us more presents, especially if they were too big for us to safely bring back. I'd imagine that's probably the reason Edo shipped all his presents, too."

"Guess we'll see tomorrow," Jack said, blinking for a moment at the note in Crow's hands and seeming to come to some sort of conclusion before shrugging with a restrained yawn, "Either way, I'm hittin' the hay."

"Have a nice beauty sleep!"

"Shut up Crow, beauty sleep is important. Besides, you're not one to talk, feather pluck-er."

"Oi, birds preen, they don't 'pluck'!"

The lighthearted arguing continued all the way up the stairs before they both separated into their rooms, Yusei watching alongside Judai with matching levels of amusement. Afterwards he turned to face him, tilting his head in question as he held up the stack of cards in his hand - they'd decided they'd open them on Christmas Day itself rather than earlier, considering some of them were rather thick and indicated there was some sort of gift hidden inside (that or it was one of those interactive kinds of cards, which was also a possibility).

"What should we do with these?" He asked, waving them back and forth a little before smiling lightly as he poked him with the thick pile and got a little laugh in return.

Judai hummed for a moment before snapping his fingers, eyes lighting up as he thought up an idea, "Let's put 'em on the tree. There's plenty of space and it's not like they'll fall off the branches, they're too fluffy for that... unless someone runs into it of course, but that's besides the point since it would mostly be Pharaoh we'd have to worry about. He hasn't done a thing to indicate he even cares about the tree being there, much less about knocking the ornaments off or digging into the presents under it."

There weren't too many presents under it at the moment, but Yusei was sure that'd change within the next few days since Christmas was pretty much right around the corner; he knew that he, at least, had more than a couple that he'd be adding once he got the chance to wrap them. To do that, though, he'd probably have to kick Judai out of their room for a bit because he'd be wrapping presents for him too. He supposed he could always go to Starlight Junktion and do it, but it was far easier and faster to just do it at home rather than scout around the city trying to find someone that had wrapping paper or gift bags and tissue paper. Granted, even then he could just bring the wrapping paper with him, but... still, the amount of effort needed for that didn't make sense when he could just do it in ten minutes and be done with it.

He did want to go there at some point in the next few days though, mainly because the place was really interesting to visit. It was still a winter wonderland, and with the addition of other, trusted duel spirits being able to visit for a bit to play in the snow it was even livelier than usual. Plus, he and Judai had promised Aleister a visit too, so they'd probably just make a day out of it.

The cards were all carefully placed on the tree, making sure that the names on them were all on the side that could be seen so it'd be easier to grab them and hand them out when the time came. Taking a step back and observing their handiwork was all they needed to do to be satisfied with the outcome - it helped fill in the empty spaces between the ornaments, which they didn't have many of.

Said empty space had actually been occupied once upon a time by candy canes, but well... when you have a cat that will eat anything they can get their paws on with reasonable allowance, they were all gone in a heartbeat. That was the only time Pharaoh seemed at all interested in the tree, and after figuring out that they wouldn't be putting anymore on for him to bite off, he quickly lost all interest once again. He thought that maybe they should get him plush candy cane as a gift.

...Wait a minute.

"Judai, I just realized something."

"Hm? What's up?"

"We need to get Pharaoh a present."

"...Dammit, you're right. That cat is so spoiled, I swear."

The words were accompanied by a fond smile at the sleeping cat, who'd pretty much darted into his bed and blankets the second they'd gotten in the door, and quiet planning on what to get him while they got something warm to drink to end the night with before they got ready to sleep.

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