Decoration Shopping

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The next day Judai managed to convince Yusei to go out shopping with him so he had someone to hang-out with and a ride to the store. He'd initially only meant to go grocery shopping, but... well, on the way back he got the idea to go buy Halloween decorations to decorate the apartment with, so after making sure all the food was tucked away safely in the motorcycle's storage compartment (thank goodness he'd had the foresight to bring a cooler, or else that would've been bad for all the ice cream he'd bought) they made their way in to a party-supply store.

"I don't think I've ever actually been to one of these before," Yusei mused, looking around at all the shiny trinkets and various little doodads with a slightly dazed blink, "Usually if we ever needed something for decoration we could just buy it at the convenience store..."

"To be fair, the convenience stores are still really good if you're looking for some quick, cheap things for parties and stuff," Judai agreed, quickly spotting the rather large section reserved for seasonal items, with the majority being Halloween themed and a littler section already holding stuff for Christmas despite it only just coming to be October. He tugged Yusei along with a happy hum, unable to keep the smile off his face as he looked over all the different wall decorations first, immediately grabbing a sparkly orange hanging string with pumpkin cut-outs and dumping it into the basket Yusei had oh-so kindly volunteered to hold for him.

He met Yusei's raised eyebrow with an enthusiastic, shameless grin before moving on down the aisle, plopping even more things into the basket as he went - another hanging string but with sparkly black bats, a cute little figurine that depicted a Winged Kuriboh looking confused at a regular Kuriboh with fake devil horns and wings clipped on that was way too funny to pass up, a couple rolls of Halloween print wire ribbon that he could use to make fancy looking bows for things... the list went on, but he made absolutely sure to avoid anything that even loosely resembled a spider.

He wasn't about to torture poor Yusei like that and make him hate Halloween of all things. Judai may greatly enjoy teasing him, but messing with his legitimate phobia of spiders and other such things was just an asshole thing to do and he was going to have to make sure to avoid as much of that stuff as possible for the next month. Hell, even Jack and Crow wouldn't mess with him like that - as it'd turned out, when they'd recorded the 'spider incident' it was purely so they could get a laugh at Judai's utter confusion and cluelessness and not at all at Yusei, and they'd ended up deleting the video after thoroughly shoving it in his face for Yusei's sake.

Judging from the way Yusei kept side-eyeing the spider decorations too and un-tensed once he realized Judai wasn't even giving them a passing glance, he was more than a little relieved by it.

A little over half-way through, Yusei got a thoughtful look after seeing something they'd passed by before mentioning, "Hey... don't mean anything bad by it, but try not to get too many things that require getting tacked into the wall. It was never an issue before but I just remembered the apartment owners saying something about not putting too many holes into the wall when we moved in."

"Oh, I can do that - I'm glad you remembered," Judai blinked, mentally relieved that he'd remembered sooner rather than later because he'd been starting to look at exactly those kinds of things; now that he knew, it limited the choices he could pick from and actually made it a little easier to choose something. For now though, he went back to looking, eventually turning to Yusei and wondering, "Is there anything you wanted so far?"

"I'm enjoying just watching you find things," Yusei replied, giving him a quirked little smirk before glancing over his shoulder at something on the wall behind him, "Well, actually there might be one thing." He didn't bother waiting for Judai to move, reaching over him to grab something off one of the hooks and pressing a little closer to him as he did so.

Judai didn't get the chance to really process this though as the next moment he was more focused on the gloved fingers lightly brushing across his face in order to push some of his bangs back, a little click sounding soon after he did so. A quick feel of his hair after gathering his bearings back revealed that it'd been a couple of thin hair clips that were designed to be able to cross over each other.

"Those look good on you," Yusei stated, looking very satisfied with his handiwork as he pulled back and tilted his head as he took in the sight, "Especially since it lets me see more my cute Kurbioh's face."

Judai didn't know precisely what it was about the entire event, but it left him feeling more flustered than he'd felt in a while as he barely managed to whisper out a positive response and put the clips in the basket, only vaguely registering the fact that they were a mix of solid fall colors like orange, yellow, and red.

He was quick to put them back on as soon as they got back home though, much to Yusei's appreciation considering he kept pulling at his face and kissing him whenever he could.

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