Pastry Morning

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Neither of them had been very tired when they went to sleep, but they'd managed to fall asleep by cuddling close together and letting each other's warmth lull them to sleep. Granted, it was because of this that Judai wasn't very surprised when he woke up easily a couple hours earlier than he usually would; Yusei was still asleep, and he took a bit of time to appreciate his calm, relaxed sleeping face before finally deciding to wriggle his way out of the bed without waking him up.

He figured he could make a nicer breakfast than they'd usually have since he both had the time to do it and they needed to celebrate their accomplishment at finally solving such an annoying issue. He was still over-the-moon about it, and he would continue to be until the end of the month, most likely.

He started up the coffee maker first, making sure it'd be warm and ready for whichever person in the apartment woke up first, before looking through the fridge to see what he had to work with - he eventually settled on making a couple different kinds of filled pastries since the dough would only take an hour of refrigeration after making it, and in that time he could easily make all the fillings while the oven heated up, too.

Pharaoh wandered in as he started to pull everything out, pawing at him quietly to get his attention before jumping up on the counter and meowing.

"Oh, you want your food, huh?" Judai mused, petting the cat for a few seconds before rifling through the cabinets for his food, "Alright, just give me a second. Get off the counter, too, you know you eat on the ground because you're a messy eater."

Pharaoh gave off a sound that sounded vaguely like a grumble, but he jumped off anyway and happily started eating when he put the bowl on the ground a minute later.

It didn't take Judai very long to finish the dough, putting it in the fridge for later and turning his focus to making the fillings instead. He had plenty of options and he eventually settled on apple cinnamon and chocolate - he was in the mood for something sweet, and he knew that Yusei had a bit of a sweet-tooth, even if the other didn't realize it himself.

Yusei ended up being the first one to get up next, entering the kitchen with a yawn and immediately making his way to the coffee machine, as Judai had predicted would happen, "Mornin'... making something? It smells good."

That something, of course, would be the chocolate he was currently melting and mixing together in a pot on the stove. By this point he'd already finished the apple part, which took the most time mainly because of all the skinning and cutting he'd had to do, and once he finished the chocolate an hour would have passed and he could get to putting everything together.

"I am, figured we could celebrate a bit after yesterday," Judai replied, giving him a small, happy smile while continuing to stir, "Baking some pastries, apple cinnamon and chocolate."

Yusei hummed with his own smile, looking a little more awake solely from hearing what he was making, "Can't wait to try them. You want coffee?"

"Yes please!" Judai cheered. Just because he wasn't tired didn't mean he could enjoy the nice, sweet, creamy taste of the coffee that Yusei could whip up - it was still his favorite for a reason.

He thanked Yusei for the drink when he got it, reaching up and giving him a kiss before hugging him for a moment, "Also, good morning to you. It'll be thirty minutes or so before it's ready, so why don't you go get ready for the day?"

"Okay," Yusei stated, pulling him into a significantly lazier morning kiss before downing his coffee and going to make another, "After another cup, though."

Judai laughed at his antics, pulling out all the pans he'd need and expertly starting to shape the pastries out, "Whatever works, it's a lazy morning. It's still pretty early, too."

"Is it? I didn't check the time..."

"It's seven coming up, we normally don't wake up until eight-ish."

"At least our sleep schedule got fixed," Yusei sighed, and Judai heard him pause to take a little sip of his new coffee - evidently he was drinking it slower now that he didn't really need it for the caffeine, "I was worried that us sleeping until the afternoon yesterday would throw it off for a while."

"Well, if we hadn't managed to fall asleep I knew a perfect way to make us tired," Judai grinned unashamedly, taking a peek over at Yusei after and laughing at the deadpan stare he was met with, "Aw, don't look at me like that, you know you love me!~"

"That I do," Yusei conceded, though he was quick to grab his coffee and send him another exasperated look before he left, "I'll be back in a bit, my naughty Kuriboh."

Judai had to pause in making the pastries in order to make sure he didn't cover his face with his flour and powdered sugar-covered hands as he laughed at the name.

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