Sweet Morning

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They were finally able to go outside the next morning to have that breakfast picnic they'd been talking about, so after a little bit of messing around in the kitchen so that Judai could whip up something extra that he wouldn't let Yusei see, they packed everything up and set off for their spot by the bridge.

"I am so happy it's cool again," Judai sighed happily, pressing his cheek into Yusei's back as they easily sped through the light morning traffic, "No more sweating at five o'clock in the morning because we woke up and somehow still had the blankets covering us, and we can actually go outside to enjoy the weather."

"Can't disagree with you there," Yusei replied, thoroughly enjoying the cool breeze that whipped at them because it really made the cold settle in - it wasn't something he'd felt in months and it was a nice feeling he wholeheartedly welcomed back. Besides, he actually preferred cold weather since it meant he could layer in the jackets Judai had found him and not get pushed around in bed at night because it was too hot for them to be huddled together without getting uncomfortably warm.

Judai hummed, staying silent for another few minutes before finally asking, "When do you think the morning fog will go away?"

"It'll probably start to fade in about thirty minutes," he answered, making one of the last turns before they needed to make, "Why?"

"Just wonderin' 'cause the bridge isn't very easy to see right now, it's covered in fog... I like it, don't get me wrong, but I want to be outside in some sunshine for once without feeling like my skin is burning off," Judai said, grinning into his neck as he leaned up close, "And I wanna see you in that morning glow, of course."

"Of course," Yusei repeated in amusement, slowing down and coming to a complete stop before kicking the stand down, "We're here."

"Good, 'cause I'm starving!" Judai cheered, hopping off first and holding out his helmet for Yusei to take after shaking his hair out; it only made it look a little messier than usual, which was cute because it made him look even more like a fluffy Kuriboh.

"Nice hair," Yusei chuckled, laughing harder when Judai rolled his eyes and lightly swatted at his arm.

"Uh huh, like yours is any better," Judai snorted, reaching up and patting his head now that he'd taken his helmet off, "We both have helmet hair."

"No, I have helmet hair, you have Kuriboh hair."

"Oh shush - less talking, more getting ready and eating."

Yusei complied at the reminder of food, putting the helmets away and following behind Judai after locking everything up. Judai'd grabbed the cooler of food, revealing two containers that he was quick to take out and pass one of to Yusei along with a spoon.

"A spoon?" Yusei blinked, simply getting a hand wave from Judai to open it, "Alright then, here goes... wait, ice cream?"

"It's on top of a muffin that I absolutely roasted in the microwave to make sure it'd stay warm on the trip here," Judai explained with a smile, leaning over a bit to point it out, "See? It's broken up to be more like... like a sweet corn pancake? Uh... basically, that's a pancake made with sweet corn that's really crumbly and breaks apart a lot easier into chunks, so it's good with stuff like ice cream. It's a sweet and savory type of breakfast, I just made it with a muffin instead because that's what we had."

At this point Yusei had already scooped out a bite, making sure to grab both some of the ice cream (vanilla, he noted) and the muffin in one go, and it was just like Judai'd said - sweet and savory, and it was a combination he hadn't thought of before but made sense now that he'd tried it. He was glad Judai'd taken the time to explain it though, because he'd had no idea pancakes could even be made with corn and definitely had no idea what the texture of such a thing would be like.

If it were like this though, he definitely would like to try it some time.

"It's sweet, I like it," Yusei stated, sending him a thankful smile before it turned into a little smirk as he leaned down and stole a quick kiss before going back to eating, "Thanks, Judai."

"No problem," Judai replied, a bright smile gracing his face once he'd fully processed what'd happened, "I'll make sure to make the other thing for you, by the way. I'm not gonna explain it to you then just not make it, after all."

"I figured that'd be the case," Yusei said, letting the ice cream of his next bite melt in his mouth a little so he could savor the flavor of the whole thing, "You eat now too - unless you want me to feed you?"

"I can do it, sheesh" Judai mumbled, pouting a little at him jokingly as he popped open his own container and grabbed out a spoon for himself, "Besides, if you miss my mouth guess where that ice cream's going? All over my shirt, dammit."

"My mouth wouldn't miss yours, though."

"I'm thinking I need to 'accidentally' miss your mouth with some ice cream and see how you like it when your shirts covered in it."

They stared seriously at each other before they cracked, breaking out into laughter as they leaned together and ate and chatted while enjoying the sight of the morning sun breaking through the fog out by the bridge.

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