Caught Asleep

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The sound of the door opening roused Judai slightly, his head shooting up after a few seconds upon realizing that he'd been asleep - luckily he managed to catch the sketchbook and pencil he'd accidentally thrown off himself in the process, so none of the pages got bent and the pencil was saved.

"I'm home," Yusei said, kicking off his boots after taking a moment to close the door and take a good look at Judai, who was currently in the middle of letting out a huge yawn after safely putting his stuff on the coffee table and stretching, "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but I didn't mean to fall asleep in the first place," Judai laughed sheepishly, smiling fondly when Yusei walked over and flopped onto the couch right next to him, "How'd it go? You get as much done as you wanted to?"

"Yeah, plus some extra - the results were better than I'd initially hoped they'd be considering some of the equipment, so I was able to breeze through some of the calculations while I waited for things to start working," Yusei replied, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him back to lie down on top of him, "I'm tired now though and I just wanna hug my living heater."

"Well, that can definitely be arranged - if you're not hungry, that is," Judai grinned, hearing the other's stomach growl lowly at the mention of food, "Food comes first, and knowing you, you skipped lunch."

"...Oops?" Yusei said, smiling sheepishly at him and letting him get up and off him so they could both go to the kitchen, "I guess I should've brought one... but then again I can't bring food into the lab and I basically didn't leave it at all today."

"Guess that just means I'll have to give you some extra to make up for it," Judai sighed, pulling open the freezer to find the stuff he'd made earlier that morning and stuck inside to freeze for later, "You don't mind having to wait, right? I gotta let the oven heat up, but once that's done it'll only take an extra ten minutes or so for these to cook."

"I don't mind, good food's worth waiting for," Yusei shrugged, digging through the cabinets and pulling out two mugs, "Let's make tea in the meantime, though. Where'd you put the stuff from the gardens?"

"Ooh, that stuff? I think I put it in that drawer over there," Judai said, pointing in the correct direction with one hand while he poked in the correct temperature on the oven with the other. A quick check to make sure the correct pan was inside the oven already to heat up with it was made, and he hummed when he found that it was.

Yusei playfully bumped into his side to get him to move out of the way so he could get to the stove, exchanging grins when Judai bumped him back before actually moving. The tea kettle was put on the stove, and now all they had to do was wait for it to screech at them that it was ready.

"We're starting to run low on leaves," Yusei noted, holding up the little clear box they'd sorted them into for him to see - it was under the half-way point, practically at the quarter-mark, "Is this the one Aleister gave us or one of the others?"

"Eh... It's one of the others," Judai replied after a short moment of staring at the leaves that were left to get a sense of what they looked like, "This one's one of the fruity ones, so it makes sense. I tend to brew them more than the rest because they don't have any caffeine or the like in them, so they're better for relaxing." He looked up at Yusei with a cheeky grin, proclaiming, "Guess we'll just have to make another visit, then! Maybe find some new ones to try, maybe have another little tea party for ourselves."

"That sounds nice, it was fun doing that" Yusei smiled, capping the leaves and putting them back in the drawer where they belonged before wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling him gently back outside the kitchen, "Now, back to the couch. Hopefully if we somehow fall asleep before the water finishes boiling, the whistle will wake us up."

"Yusei, I highly doubt either of us would be able to sleep through that thing. It's loud as hell."

"There's a first time for everything... like me coming back to you actually asleep on the couch for once. That's a new one."

Judai pouted at him as they both got settled into the couch, not lying down though since Judai had spotted his sketchbook and remembered just why he was drawing in the first place. He let Yusei hug him from behind while he popped open the book and flipped through until he found his most recent additions, leaning his head against the other's before explaining.

"So I signed up for one more tournament for the year - figured it'd be a good idea and all, since I'm in the pro leagues now," Judai stated, closing his eyes for a bit to enjoy the hug he'd been missing all day while he talked, "It's in early December, so it's not too far out, but it's also gonna be completely decorated for winter and the duelists are encouraged to wear costumes. So, I've been trying to come up with ideas - tell me what you think of them?"

"Of course," Yusei replied, smile in his voice as he tilted his head a bit to kiss him on the cheek, "Just tell me what you're going for and I'll do my best to tell you what's good."

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