At the Reactor Again

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It was on short notice, but luckily they managed to get Johan to come with them to the reactor the next day. It was late in the afternoon considering they'd slept-in until around one o'clock, but it worked out anyway because they'd rather do it in the dark when there was less risk of someone questioning what they were doing.

It was just easier to not have to explain to anyone why there was a portal to another dimension in the middle of the area.

"Your theory sounds pretty solid," Johan stated, looking distractedly over the machines Yusei had brought and started setting up, "Tech looks good too, and- wait, is that a momentum threader? Holy shit, you're pulling no stops with this."

"I don't like pulling stops in general," Yusei replied, gesturing idly towards Judai as he focused, "Show him the final logs, have him give it a triple-check."

"Will do," Judai grinned, glad to finally have something to do - he was already on full alert again because of the energy, just like the last time, and he needed something to focus on himself so he could distract himself from the feeling. If he didn't, he was going to get way too antsy again; at least the idea of finally getting rid of the stuff made him feel better.

He flipped open the laptop after pulling it out of one Yusei's various bags he'd brought, easily navigating through a couple windows after becoming intimately familiar with the layout of it last night. He turned it wordlessly towards Johan, sitting down on the D-Wheel and watching over Johan's shoulder while the other scrolled through the results of their testing, pointing out various details in the mean time.

"Is there any way to decrease the variance of that particular variable?" Johan frowned, pointing to one particular column of the screen, "I'm sure you guys already noticed, but it fluctuates a lot. Other than that, everything else looks fine."

"That's the placing of the portal when I open it," Judai muttered, frowning as well at the reminder, "It kept changing where it opened, even when I tried my best to make sure it was in the same place. We even tried using a new method we figured out - basically, you can summon portals to places by using a field spell card the same way you'd materialize a monster or spell, but even then the opening point would change just enough to be noticeable."

"Could you use one of your duel monsters as an anchor point? I'm not sure exactly how you'd go about setting them as one for the field spell, but it'd make sense if you could somehow," Johan mused.

Both Judai and Yusei stared at him in slight shock before sharing a look of disbelief.

"Of course it's that simple," Yusei groaned, laughing a bit before getting back to setting-up, "Judai, try it. Tell one of your HERO's to go stand in an open square or something and not move, then focus on them when you're using Skyscraper."

"Alright. Johan, I am so glad we had the foresight to bring you with us for this," Judai stated, opening the portal first and telling the first HERO he saw, which turned out to be Avian, the plan and closing it again once the other was in place, "Test one, here goes somethin'..."

He opened the portal again, making sure to focus on opening it where Avian was, and cheered a little when it opened right in front of him, "Well, that part works - now we just have to see if it's consistent. Johan, grab the chalk in the bag, it's in the outside pocket."

"Ah... got it."

"Mark the ground at the very bottom middle of the portal, please."


"Okay, time for the real test then," Judai said, taking a deep breath when he closed the portal before focusing and opening it again.

Sure enough, after glancing down at the ground, he saw the chalk mark was once again right in the bottom middle of the portal opening, which meant that it hadn't moved at all. Their single variable that they hadn't been able to keep consistent was officially declared fixed after a few more tests for good measure.

"Well then, time for the real deal," Judai grinned, feeling a little giddy about it possibly succeeding, "Yusei, you almost done over there?"

"Just got a couple more things," Yusei called back, not looking up from the two wires in his hands. Judai could see that he was also sporting a little smile though, so he knew he was pretty damn excited about this as well.

"Y'know, now that I'm really looking at this thing... this is pretty revolutionary stuff right here," Johan mentioned, having gone back to looking at the laptop while Judai was finishing his testing.

"Really?" Judai blinked. He knew it was pretty interesting in concept, considering it required quite a bit of specific requirements that most people wouldn't be able to fulfill - hell, he and Yusei were probably some of the only people who could fulfill them. He hadn't thought that it was necessarily revolutionary, though.

"Dude, if you guys put out a research paper on this thing it'd make quite a few waves," Johan stated, tapping the screen for emphasis, "If you do think about making one, just tell me and I'll do what I can to help you out."

"We'll think about it," Yusei piped up, suddenly standing and brushing the dirt off his pants before turning them with a determined smile, "For now though? It's go time."

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