Victory Celebration

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The tournament winner put up a good fight, but ultimately, Yusei had far superior mastery over his deck and speed spells which won him the duel after a long time of tearing down his opponent's stall cards, because of course a burn deck was what had won the tournament.

Granted, it was a pretty well-thought out deck, but it was still a stall burn deck. And it had Marshmallon in it.

Judai had nothing against that particular monster, in fact he'd worked with a few once and they'd been super useful since they essentially were deadly slimes that'd swallow them whole to their enemies and comfy cushions to their allies, but damn if its abilities when translated over to the game weren't annoying as hell to play against.

Everyone cheered loudly when he'd finally managed to break past all of the set-ups, speeding past his opponent on the track with ease and a little, confident smirk on his face that Judai'd only picked up on because he was watching Yusei so intently and could see that far clearly. There was a glint of satisfaction that filled his eyes when he started calling out his combo that would ultimately win him the duel and Judai could do nothing but feel his breath get stolen away as he watched.

Riding duels were amazing to watch, but Yusei made it into an art form that one did not simply look away from.

The crowd was deafening as he came to a stop towards the front, sending a smile and a wave at the camera just like he'd said he would before revving his engine and driving back out of sight to return to the prep room.

"Did you see that?! He took out that guy's traps like it was nothing!" Lua cheered, practically vibrating as he jumped up and down excitedly, "Go Yusei!"

"That was Yusei alright, pulling a victory out of his ass when things look like a lost cause," Crow grinned, stretching as he stopped leaning on the viewing fence and turning to Jack, "Ain't that right, Jack?"

"That's him alright," Jack snorted, putting a hand on Lua's head to stop him from jumping so much but continuing to listen to his rants anyway. Luka stood nearby and listened as well, a wide smile stretched across her face while she occasionally commented on something to Kuribon, who'd opted to sit on her head to watch the duel.

"He just does well at biding his time," Judai hummed happily, hands resting behind his head as he flopped into one of the chairs scattered around the area, "He's not going to lose that easily. Definitely not that easily."

Everyone nodded in agreement, continuing to chat excitedly about the duel for a few more minutes until the door opened, revealing a freshly-changed Yusei who gave everyone a smile when he entered.

"Hey guys-"

"Yusei!" Both the twins cheered, running up to him quickly and immediately starting to chatter away about their favorite parts of the duel. The rest of them laughed at their antics, letting them tire out a bit before Yusei finally pat them both on the head.

"Glad you had fun watching," he chuckled, ruffling their hair a bit, "Time to go home now, though. Your tickets are for the eight o'clock train, right? It's already seven thirty."

"Aw, okay," Luka replied, wandering over with Kuribon to go get her bag. Lua pouted a bit as well but was quick to follow his sister, getting his own bag after double-checking that they had everything.

"You guys might have to run before the crowd gets bad enough," Crow stated, peeking out at the stands that were starting to empty out slowly, "Luckily Jack and I were able to park our runners in the special section 'cause of the passes you got us, so we shouldn't have as much of a problem getting out of here."

"We'll see you guys in a couple hours, basically," Jack said, a hand on his hip as he stopped leaning on the table in the room, "I remember last year, it was nearly impossible for you to get out of this place because of your runner being in the prep room. They really needed to design the tunnel better so it went out to a separate entrance instead of the parking lot."

Judai perked up a little at that, thoughts immediately going towards fulfilling the little agreement he'd made with Yusei just before his duel, which put a bright grin on his face that Yusei sighed knowingly at.

"Well, no time to waste! See you guys later!" Judai exclaimed, getting up from the chair and plucking his bag up before pushing Yusei and the twins out in record time. It was easy enough to get to the station with five minutes to spare, mainly through liberal use of making themselves unnoticeable with his shadows; what was fun about it though was the little teasing touches Judai kept giving Yusei, getting little glares and grins with every one he made.

The walk back after they'd parted with Lua and Luka was just a little bit faster, their hands intertwined as they kept glancing at each other and leaning in closer to bump their sides together. By the time they'd finally gotten back to the prep room, Yusei was stumbling with the keys for an entirely different reason than last time, and once the door was shut and locked Judai was quick to press him to the door and smash their lips together, going straight for a rough kiss as they couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"Thought you wanted me in the outfit?" Yusei asked breathlessly a few minutes later, lightly pushing him backwards into the room while a hand lightly ghosted at his neck, sending a shiver up his spine.

"I did, now I just want you," Judai replied, feeling his legs catch as he bumped into a table that Yusei was quick to sit him on before they were smothering each other with warm kisses again, tongues brushing together and lips bitten lightly as they finally let go and lost themselves in each other like they wanted to.

It was very easy to get back home by the time they were done and fully satisfied.

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