Chapter Forty-Two: Your lovely daughter is dating someone, Francis.

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A/N: This is a filler chapter not about Jessamine. FYI, I have thought about the plot a long time ago and this chapter IS REALLY a part of the story. It's just that, I'm uploading it in a timely manner. #BLM 


Chapter Forty-Two: Your lovely daughter is dating someone, Francis.

Hailey's POV

"Maurice, you look really cute wearing that outfit." I whispered as I fixed his bow tie.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as we pretended to slow dance even though we were at the gym because he just got out of the shower after having a long day of exercise. Seemed cheesy, I know. But I just wanted to shrug off this nervous feeling inside me because,

I wanted to bring Maurice to my parents.

I didn't want to push my feelings to Maurice away anymore, because that's not the correct solution. I have liked Maurice ever since but I kept on denying it. That's why the time when Maurice told me about the Nigel thing, I didn't care that much.

Nigel called me the day after and he apologized so many times but I ignored his apology because he's a jerk just like some of the guys I dated before which did not work out. It's a good thing that Nigel and I were dating only a few weeks so there wasn't much attachment between him and I.

After Maurice saved me from the locked room, I felt like there's a connection between the both of us, and that I never realized he was always there for me.

It's funny how he confessed his feelings towards me in a simple manner. Not anything cheesy, but just a heart to heart talk. At first, he joked about how cute I look but then end up saying he genuinely likes me. Not that I didn't know because the Correy incident happened. But anyway, what did I do? Heck I told him that I like him too, that's what. I did not need anything special, just an assurance will do.

I felt that Maurice and I, we could make this work. He's always there for me when I needed him, and I would make sure to do the same thing for him. Not only was he charming as always, but he's the guy who would look out for you.

After the confession, he started talking about the past. The Correy thing. How annoyed he was at first with me being oblivious. At first he thought Correy and I were a thing, so it was news to him that Correy's actually in to him! But Maurice and I, we straightened things out to Correy. Maurice was super apologetic and told Correy that he's straight and not in to gays, which Correy understood anyway. Correy even congratulated us when I told him that Maurice and I were dating.

No, there's nothing special about me and Maurice's love life. It's just an ordinary love story where two people fall in love with each. One being the earlier, one being the later but it didn't matter.

Try comparing it to my friends. Me and Maurice are the type to be classified as the commoner in the classroom because nobody cared about us, except each other. That's what I needed anyway. I wanted Maurice and myself to ignore the rest of the things happening. Instead of actually caring about what people say, I would prefer submerging myself in this relationship, not looking at the surroundings.

Atreyi on the other hand, I pitied her. Surely it would be difficult for her to handle the situation. Despite people starting to become more and more open, not all would actually accept gay people. Hearing stories from Correy actually made me want to cry sometimes, so what more Atreyi? Being a part of the LGBT community is not yet totally acceptable by the other people, and I sincerely felt disappointed for that. I wanted to tell Atreyi that she's amazing whether she decided to be straight or gay. It's bad that she let Jordan experience a situation like this, not explaining anything yet to him, but she needed time to adjust herself. 

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