Chapter Sixty-Five: Don't tell me you're drinking.

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Chapter Sixty-Five: Don't tell me you're drinking.

My heart broke.

I did not know why I did what I had done. No. My mind was screaming at me, getting mad at me for asking the person who loves me to leave me. But everything in me was a wreck, my heart, my character... even my brain, especially my brain.

My brain because it malfunctioned when it saw Finn.

I sighed and used Brie's vase that was left on the table as the flowers' new home. I filled it with tap water and placed it on the side, admiring the colorful and fragrant flowers blooming.

Wow. It hurts.

It hurts how stupid I was to act out of emotional outburst. Never in life I would imagine myself doing something so stupid. But then again, my guts told me everything about us was so messed up. The accident probably also ruined my ability to think. Although if it wasn't because of him, would I be in this accident in the first place?

I tried to fit all the pieces together, and was both surprised and frustrated how small the world was. It took me a while to realized two sisters were after me because "their" guys were all over me. Ridiculous.

Well, I couldn't blame Brie, but at the same time, it was her fault that she threw Connor away like that and regretting it.

Wait a minute, I also broke up with Finn... What if...

No, no, no. We were over. I broke up with him. We were done. Everything's done between Finn and I. No use dwelling.

So Brie got mad because Connor likes me, then Kayla was also mad because I was dating Finn. What a ridiculous connection of people, and I had to suffer in between. Great.

I played the music box again and again. It was a small wooden box carved with two people riding a bicycle on a flower park. While the music, which was Canon, was soothing, my heart continued to ache seeing the two carved characters that probably represented the two of us.

Funny how I thought my life would be better without my step-mom. Well... It was better not seeing her face, but... I just...

Tears started to roll down again on my cheeks, thinking about mom and dad. I wished they would be here with me because I badly needed a hug from them.

I silently prayed that they're happy together wherever they were. I took out my mini box inside my drawer and opened it, looking at the things inside: a picture of me, mama, and papa, the bracelet Finn gave me the first time we met, and the promise ring.

Tears wouldn't stop rolling down as I reminisced the days I was young. The days my mama and I would use to draw together. The days when papa would bring me to McDonald's and buy me a Happy Meal. The days I was close with Marc and Courtney. The days I first met Finn at Omegle and how our relationship evolved...

After crying continuously, hiccuping and wiping my nose, I decided to keep the box back together with the music box and the long letter.

I stared at Finn's box of cupcakes, not wanting to eat them but at the same time wanting to. I decided to put it in the fridge because I wanted to do something else.

I went to the shower and cleaned myself first, changed into t-shirt and jeans, and applied light make-up (gift from Brie many months ago).

It was the perfect moment to be alone, to enjoy my own company. I called a cab and rode to the bar where Connor went to before when he was heartbroken with Brie.

I read a quote once, how you put alcohol to cleanse a scar or an external wound, just like how you would drink alcohol when you're wounded inside.

That was what I wanted right now. Alcohol. To forget about everything temporarily.

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